What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 1)

I attended a sushi class a couple weeks ago. It took a bit to acquire the ingredients and equipment, but I made my first rolls at home on Saturday. I definitely have plenty of room for improvement in the assembly process, but the taste was mighty fine! I tried three different proteins: smoked salmon, shrimp, crab. For veggies I had yellow bell pepper, shredded carrots, cucumber, red onion, and jalapeno. I also had mango and cream cheese. It was fun throwing different combinations together. No pics, unfortunately. Maybe next time!


You better believe it!! :yum:

I make cheater sushi.

Iā€™ll make the sushi rice and turn it into a bowl rather than wrap them up. Chopped seaweed, sesame, fish protein of choice.

Lazy but good too.


I love tayto crisp sandwiches maybe itā€™s an Irish thing


Well I have been on a complete curry diet now for a straight 10 days now, the wife has gone to BC for 3 weeks and I donā€™t have to cook her anything. So making big pots that last around 3-4 days.

I am experimenting with with heat, so last night I had the last of a vege curry, that was not hot just spicy and flavorful.

Now I am making a Vindaloo for my brother in law this Sunday, so I am going to start marinating the chicken for his on Thursday. Its been 17 years since he has had a really hot curry and I donā€™t want to kill him or make something inedible because its too hot.

So I thought I would use my meal last night to experiment with and add a ghost pepper. The first one out the bag was the biggest about 3 inches long and an inch wide, I was about to chop it up and thought maybe I should start small just in case.

I am glad I did, the smallest ghost pepper was half an inch wide and an inch long. I chopped it up fine and added it to the pot at 10 am heated up the curry and then let it sit for an hour. Had a tiny taste and nearly choked lmao I coughed for about 5 minutes and my tongue and lips were hot and tingling for about 20 minutes :fire:

So at 5pm I heat up the curry after 15 minutes on a low heat I lift the saucepan lid and the steam hits me in the face, and my eyes watered for a few minutes.

I was now concerned about wether I should attempt to eat it lol. I thought fuck it whats the worst that could happen lol.

First mouthfull I gagged with my throat involuntarily closing to stop it going down, and I had to hold it in my mouth until the sensation dissapated. The second mouthful was easier and I could feel my face starting to sweat, the next mouthful and I was starting to lose the feeling in my lips and tongue. By the time I got to around the seventh mouthfull my eyes were constantly watering lmao.

Half way through and my eyes and mouth had adjusted but now my stomach was starting to burn, but it was getting enjoyable as the endorphins were kicking in.

The recipe I was thinking of using required 10 extra hot kashmiri chilis de seeded, 2 scotch bonnets and 2 medium sized ghost peppers. Its not traditional, just a curry enthusiasts recipe I found on the net.

I wont be using that one, this morningā€™s ablutions were uncomfortable to say the least :joy:

I will keep it to the same amount of ghost pepper and if it to hot for him I can add some tomato paste and yoghurt to take some of the heat out.


Only the finest in international cuisine for me:

I rarely drink through a straw.


Looks Italian.


Itā€™s funny - McDonalds reminds me of other countries. I almost never go there but sometimes when Iā€™m in a foreign place itā€™s nice to have something familiar.

The fact that I smell it 6 times a day has nothing to do with it :joy:


Adding curry and tumeric to a pot of black lentils stew. Currently eating button mushrooms stuffed with crab and parmesan cheese while the black lentils are soaking.


I did more seed crackers last Friday, and added cumin and coriander seeds at the same amount as the others which was not good lol I couldnā€™t taste anything else in or on the cracker lol.


I lived in a town right on the Mediterranean that happened to be a stop for the US Navyā€™s 6th fleet. You could always tell when a ship was in port because there would be a line out the door of McDonaldā€™s!

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I flew home from El Salvador one time and 3/4s of the people on the plane were carrying Pollo Campero bags.

Everyone likes a taste of home.

I got so sick at Pollo Campero that it makes me ill just thinking about it.


Apparently stoners eat nettle plants !!! Very interesting

I fucking love nettles! One of my favorite preparations we used to do with them is toss with a little water and throw them on the grill. Spritz with more water in a spray bottle if needed as they cook. When they came off we would finely chop and fold into some goat cheese(may have been cut with some cream cheese or heavy cream for texture).

Fantastic spread on toast, some grilled spring onions on top or in the mix, maybe a pickled thing and some sea salt on top. Super tasty.


OH SHIT. Iā€™M 100% gonna try this! I have SO MANY nettles and I usually use it for tea or make a soup. Otherwise if I have sore muscles; then I slap my hurt with it an the burn feels great!


Right ! I seen it on another thread and was in awe Iā€™m like deff posting it to the ā€¦what do stoners eat thread lol


Its whatā€™s for dinner tonight at a friends houseā€¦



A hybrid of sausage mushroom and puttanesca.

The capers are the best part.


Thanks for sharing looks like you were having a good time. I had a nasty sandwich


Nice my friend. Put your feet in the sand


Invisible sandwich and a mug of fruit-cheese*!

(*cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, kefir, garden raspberry/gooseberry jam, almonds, chia seeds, & walnutsā€¦ stir until combined, in fridge 1hr or longer to set)