What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 1)

This is located in Champaign, IL. and there are about 5-8 asian market thereā€¦


There are some around here too and they have the best fish sections.


Know what stoners donā€™t eat? Their lemons. I have been tripping out that these have been fat and green at least 5 months lol. I just read they can take 12!!!



I miss King Oscar Fish Balls.

Fondue nightā€¦ going easy tonight with some French bread and some smoked kielbasa.


Yessss!!! Even maple flavored sausage STILL gets syrup!!! Thought I was the only oneā€¦ everybody always looked at me odd like it only belongs on pancakes!!!


I have a fondue! I always do a cheese mix, followed with coq a vin with shrimp/chicken/steakā€¦ so good. Havenā€™t dabbled in the chocolate yet, only because I donā€™t want to be a chunk.


I have always done the cheese mix, then I like to dip apples, cherry tomatoes, skirt steak, and sausages. I want to try the soup fondue dealā€¦I am working up to it :yum:canā€™t forget bread lol


@Pawsfodocaws is that the one you said you found at a thrift store? Need to hit up a couple and find something like that. Got me craving some fondue :drooling_face:


Yup, thatā€™s the one. Full set for 20 bucks. Itā€™s definitely something you need if you wanna save money from going out for fondueā€¦ very worth it.


My wife bought a small ceramic one from a thrift store before. You had to use a tealight candle for it. It was cute, and then it broke :disappointed_relieved: lol. But that one you have is solid.


I had dinner at a Bavarian restaurant and they had fondue on the menu. They served it in this exact fondue set. From then on I was on the look out. Took me 5 years of garage sales and countless trips to thrift shops until I walked into one and this was at eye level as soon as they opened. I swear the best 20 I have spent in a while :rofl:. Iā€™ve had it for 5 years nowā€¦


:joy: talk about a serious pheno hunt :rofl: well worth it though. I wonder if itā€™s literally the exact same one from the Bavarian restaurant :thinking: haha, that would be somethin

Funniest thing is my wife almost bought a kids toy we donated before at the same thrift store. When we were going to cash out, I pulled it out of the cart and said to her ā€œWe donated this here :laughing:ā€ she was like ā€œoh, thatā€™s why it looked so familiar!! :sweat_smile:ā€


Thereā€™s nothing like dipping your fingers in a pot of honey, mid stone.

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That would be hilarious if it was the same one, who knows :rofl:. Iā€™m happy nonetheless

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For all the cheese I eat, you would think I would own a fondue set already! Never saw one in a thrift store hereā€¦ It took me a LONG time just to find a martini shaker! Then 3 mismatched martini glasses and I gave up trying to find even one that matched those 3.

But a fondue set? damnā€¦ I really need one.


To be honest they had three. This one was the one I was specifically looking for the others didnā€™t fit. They were more simple, pots, no shine lol. I really like this one I picked up. It literally had never been used. And this style is what I have been accustomed to at a few restaurants I like to frequent when Iā€™m in that part of the area.

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This is the kind Iā€™ve been buying upā€¦


My wife makes these from greens and bits of fruit for our holland lopsā€¦ just dice up and put in a whisky ice cube tray, and bang treats for the wabbits.