What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 1)

That fondue set looks good, I have a copper meat fondue set, and two large ceramic ones for cheese all from Switzerland, and about 70 years old, past down through the family.

I make the traditional Swiss cheese fondue, with Emmental and Gruyere cheese in a 50/50 mix.

First cut a clove of garlic in half and rub it all over the inside of the pot. Then put 2 glasses of dry white wine in and heat.

Once you see vapour coming off the wine add your grated cheese slowly, stiring in a figure of 8.

When all the cheese and wine has amalgamated, and its ready to go on the table burner, add a splash of kirsch cherry brandy and stir in, sprinkle a table spoon of bicarbonate of soda on top, and stir in, this makes the cheese go all frothy and light, grind a half teaspoon of fresh nutmeg on the top and serve.

We usually have baked potato, salad and bread, with it, but have recently discovered yorkshire pudding dipped in it is amazing :yum:


Give this a go sometime. I donā€™t like packaged ramen much, but the Shin black and this one are defaults.


After being bit by a tick in my greenhouse and fought off Lyme for about six months this meat lover is no longer able to eat meat ever again. Many other items are gone from the list of what I can eat. I can say that I have a list of tradeoffs for the cannabis plant over the years. Blood, sweat, tears and now meats of all kind. Now I am approaching the two year anniversary as a pescatarian and Iā€™ve never felt or looked healthier. So the cannabis plant once again saves me. It indirectly added years to my life. Thank god I didnā€™t lose pizza.


Out of likes.

As a vegetarian I know what you mean. If you feel like improving your health even more, add intermittent fasting to your life.


Awesome. Yes. Iā€™ve been intermittent fasting for about a year now and it has made life even better. Iā€™m leaner with more muscle than I was in high school. Enjoy.


Will do, now Iā€™m on another search ha


Mrs Foreigner has too many fondue sets. Itā€™s a problem. I make fun of her.


Thatā€™s funny. I love having one finally.


First course: fondue
Second course: fondue
Third course: fondue
Dessert: fondue.

Gimme some shabu shabu if you insist on cooking in a bowl damnit!


ACK!!! Can I ask why? This carnivore here would starve!! And I can get ticks just walking thru the backyard, both the bigger wood ticks, and those tiny deer ticks which are known to carry lyme here. The wood ticks are easy to spot, but the deer ticks are no bigger than the period (.) here at timesā€¦ I always fear getting Lyme because of my proximity to the woods, was even vaccinated for it in the 90s with a vaccine thats no longer available (heard it was being re-released though). Lymrixā€¦

Dang man, sorry to hear of such a drastic change, but it seems to have done well for youā€¦ I just dunno if I can give up good ribs, a juicy burger, crispy bacon or a tender steak :frowning: Iā€™d move to the islands if I had to be pescatarian though, LOVE how much fresher the fish obviously isā€¦ Never tastes ā€œfishyā€ lolā€¦

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Your palate continues to impress :+1:t2:


Drinks - Fondue too? :rofl:


Yesā€¦delicious liquid cheese soda. The bubbles are from emmenthal not carbonation :rofl:


I even bought one of those counter top butane burners for the purpose :call_me_hand:


I need to come visit you so we can indulge in ethnic gluttony. I like your style.


Anytime man. Iā€™m also not above eating 5 hotdogs in one sitting. I happen to know a place where you can get them for 0.75$ :joy:

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Chili available on these dogs?

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Nope pure bare bones mustard and ketchup only (itā€™s IKEA). And relish if you live dangerously.

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Iā€™ll default to the meatballs and leave the dogs to you. Eating there gives me indigestion due to the housewives maniacally wheeling carts and dolleys with zero awareness.

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I hate that place for the same reason. My apartment overlooks the parking lot so I get to watch very bad driving all day.

I made my own Swedish meatballs the other day and the only difference from regular meatballs is a little nutmeg and cardamom.

And a cream sauce :call_me_hand:

They also make an awesome shrimp sandwich. I know. Shrimp sandwich. Ikea. But itā€™s really very good.

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