What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

Mc nuggets :joy: first time ever having these bad boys and probably my last time,it’s as well my taste is gone.
Fuxk I put on 20lbs since I got sickimage


For cooking meat I really enjoy reading Meathead Goldwyn’s site amazingribs.com, it’s good for all things meat imo. If you’re the type who likes getting into the science of cooking, the aforementioned Kenji Alt-lopez is really good, and he writes on serious eats. But the absolute bible of science and cooking is a book called “On food and Cooking” by Harold McGee.

It’s not a cookbook, there are no recipes, but it has information about just about anything you could possibly wonder about in food and it’s all from a very scientific perspective. It’s the best reference book for cooking I’ve ever seen and I think used copies can be found for 10-20 bucks online.

For meat, moisture is mostly about how long it cooks for (cooking a long time will make it drier, that’s why for something like a really moist steak it’s cooked very briefly), and how fatty the cut is.

For chicken, it’s easier to keep meat from a fatty cut like the thigh than it is a lean cut like breast; for pork, a tenderloin has to be handled carefully to be kept moist but a belly or shoulder cut is naturally moist from the fat running through it. The nice cuts of steak tend to have a good amount of fat and little connective tissue (like ribeye and porterhouse).

Sorry if I’m rambling, I hope it’s helpful, at least some of the stuff I mentioned is free, but I do want to emphasize that it looks like you’re cooking with a lot of tasty stuff and I do think based on what you’ve said that you will only continue to improve as a cook!


You’ll figure it out. A meat thermometer is essential. I like my chicken and my pork slightly overdone and I like my beef rare. I take a lot of shit for this but it’s the way I like it.

With a thermometer it almost cooks itself.


I like my beef
Well done… wife
Likes hers medium

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I’m ready for a good meal

Those actually look good

Bacon wrapped filet with a baked potato thingy


Jumped in on the chicken bandwagon. Mine just had a beer up it’s butt while roasting.


That’s the only way to do it wrap that lady in bacon fillet to lean by itself I think

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Their kinda sketchy :smile: my wife brought them home from work…there’s no burger places near me unless I ride across the city I love Carl’s Jr
But I only get them as a treat

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Been a member of that site for years. Have never used the forum once though haha. His book is good too, He’s supposedly in the process of writing a second. Another good series of books is the Modernist Cuisine ones. There’s now a set for bread and pizza but I haven’t read either of those because I can’t find any decent downloads and they’re way too expensive :stuck_out_tongue: Ton of good info in the first set though and easy to download online. I might have to revisit them myself to try to absorb more info a second time around.


Wish I could reply with the same passion as you have.

I am.indebted to my.fiance a big meal tomorrow…steaks / potatoes (may try mashed as she loves them -) and hopefully some greens …maybe a baguette with some butter.

Don’t want to mess up the steaks. My favourite are pan fried sirloin or strip caps?
I get the butcher to cut them

Will check back for a mashed.potatoes (garlic maybe)

I’m off to bed my friend

Again. Apologize for not being as *rambling as you !)

Your a great forum member and person I can imagine.



Mongolian beef over rice,used Chuck roast was on sale lol sliced thin dipped in some flour with salt and pepper before frying

I love Chuck roast
If you never had a Chuck eye steak you never lived lol better than any ribeye,you can only take 3 steaks off a Chuck roll


Gonna take a butcher’s word on this one. I don’t eat red meat too often, but you’ve given me meat goals. That looks delicious.

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Homemade habanero chili hot sauce! :yum: most of the peppers were grown by me. I did top up a few store bought for the recipe though.


that does look hot as hell …but yummy!

we use to steep Chillies in Oil…

…or in Vodka…for colder days


WOW! :exploding_head:

LOVE your choice of container size, your are a true ‘pepper head’

:laughing: :+1:



Salsa Saturday!


I grew tomatoes last year made loads of sauce salsa and other goodies was to lazy this year to grow them