What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 1)

You got to itā€™s not healthy for you especially if youā€™re cutting out salt. I cannot stand processed food whatsoever. The better they try to make it taste the worst it is for you they donā€™t care. Thatā€™s why I like European candies theyā€™re not as sweet


I did that last summer I started in the spring right now is the time to start and as long as you can keep them from freezing youā€™ll be OK I had a garden last year I still got some tomatoes that I did not put down thereā€™s still going. Iā€™m getting ready to try and grow outdoors this winter Iā€™ll have a covered up. I have done this once before. You just have to grow cold weather vegetables collard greens stuff like that. The thing about collards you donā€™t have to cut the whole thing down does catch a few leaves down at a time you can roll them up making a nice healthy burrito


I have just about quit eating meat. Theyā€™re selling us poisonous food. Some stores knowingly are selling chicken with the fat disease I donā€™t want any part of it. I thought about raising rabbits. I know someone may say that sounds kind of cruel but Iā€™ve seen some of yā€™all cooking Iā€™m here I do not have a problem with that Iā€™m a southern boy Iā€™m about ready to kill some of the squirrels around here


I find edibles raise my tolerance quickly, so I go through phases of less vaping more edibles, until 2-3 brownies are required to put me to sleep instead of one, then I stop the edibles for a couple of months and just vape.

Dry sift the trimmings for Kieffer and use that instead of all the leaf, it will taste better.

I gag if I get to much weed/chloraphyl in my edibles. I make oil and add that in my edible mix.


Good talking to you today you guys take it easy. Hemp Iā€™ll wait and see what this guys got to say

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Thank yā€™all guys for getting my badges back so fast I really appreciate that. Hemp

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I have been vegetarian for 30 plus years now.

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I see that and Iā€™ve seen a lot of that your post over the past Iā€™m trying. Iā€™ve started doing things like fried broccoli and cauliflower little chicken wings theyā€™re just as good I donā€™t have a problem with them. Do any of yā€™all have the dry air fryer? I really donā€™t care for the oil the broccoli is actually baked in the oven I actually donā€™t fry too much

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RSO is definitely the way to go for edibles, imo. Clears out all the extra plant matter and youā€™re just left with the pure extract, which you can then mix and bind with another cooking oil using lecithin. Much easier to store than infused butter or oil, and itā€™s a more efficient extraction process as well.


Iā€™m a have to get back with you guys on that stuff that is something that I need to understand what Iā€™m doing wrong because I believe you have to let it sit outside and let the chlorophyll dissipate or something anyway peace. Hemp I got a page up again. Mud dirt and wind. Hit me up if you would tag me over to your pages Iā€™ll be happy to say hello take it easy

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You donā€™t have to but I do, it only removes the green colour, doesnā€™t remove the taste of it unfortunately.

These have been on a table on the deck for 3 weeks before coming back in the house.

My Thanksgiving dinner, if I am going to be bad I am going to be really bad lol.

The wifes turn to cook, she made me Veggie burger wellington with mushrooms and onion and some cheese sauce inside with the burger.

With cauliflower cheese, small roast potatoes, roasted carrots, English paxo stuffing and yorkshire pudding, if you have never had Yorkshire pudding youā€™re missing out on life, easy to make and great with cheese sauce. I also make it to have with cheese fondue :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

For afters it was supposed to be my favourite Eaton Mess, which is whipped cream, raspberries or strawberries or both lol, with crumbled up meringue mixed in. Didnā€™t realize we were out of meringue and the shops had none, and I have tried several times to make it, and its just a waist of a dozen eggs, it either goes flat and chewy as it doesnā€™t set, or burns lol.

So we had a raspberry cream tea, with sultana scones, buttered, raspberry jam with kirch (cherry brandy) and whipped cream with raspberries on top :heart_eyes:


Los Amigos supermarket lunch: rice and beans with pork, plantains and chicken


Healthy eating, tuna with salad. I love kalamata olives.

Any coffee/Starbucks lovers on here, I used to work there as my first job and recently bought a budget espresso machine for $160 and the flavoring syrups they use. I highly recommend doing the same.

My roommate and I usually drink two lattes/mochas a day each, if we were going to Starbucks thatā€™d come out to $480 a month on coffee!

And thats being conservative at calculating only $4 per drink, Iā€™m sure the prices are more now but Iā€™m never going back. :laughing:


Stepped up my meal prep game for work this week:

Tacos are life.


Had tacos and tamales for lunch. I got to say that looks better. Check out hello. Hello meals. The first round is free Iā€™ve enjoyed all of their food

Grocery stores are getting where theyā€™re too expensive and Iā€™m finding out why it is because of people stealing. What goes around comes around They come with these nice little menus. I got a few free coupons that I wonā€™t be given away free meals for a week nothing wrong with that the meat looks good taste good the vegetables are good and fresh. I do not work for them. Their boxes are so cool I bet you could send clones in them. Will find out


Iā€™ve always wondered how those meal are, I really dig the portion idea, I canā€™t stand wen good food goes to waste


Curry tonight for a change lol, its a Kadai Vegetable and Paneer Masala. I did it right this time and remembered to bake the cheese, onions and cauliflower that has been marinating in the fridge since Saturday before adding it to the gravey.

I was coming off my monthly 6 day fast as well on Saturday, and I had one mouthfull of the gravey, and I could feel my gut twist up, as it is pretty hot. So I thought I would leave it until today, and my stomach is used to food again, glad I did :boom::fire::fire::fire_engine:

Its a scorcher, I will be surprised if it doesnā€™t go straight through like an exspress train :bullettrain_side:. I made a slight substitution replaced the 3 whole dried chilli pepers in the gravey part with 3 thai chillis a scotch bonnet, and 2 ghost peppers. Added to the marinade of 2 teaspoons of extra hot kashmiri chili powder and the 6 dry red chillis, its a little over the top.

37 minutes later now, my eyes and nose have just stopped running but still got heavy tingling on my lips and tongue :stuck_out_tongue:. I think I may have to add more ingredients to reduce the heat down :joy:



Omg lol you such a fatty fat


When you have the munchies you give in to the munchies