What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

crispy tasty moist and baked “Sofficini Findussss” :+1:


Sunday football gathering…I made the meat on the sticks and stuffed roasted pork belly…also brought a few Baluts…btw, due to the time change I missed the geese flying/getting off the lake, I was 50 yards away from the lake when I saw them flying away…I really wanted to shoot at least one and roast it for the games…



Farfalline with cream, bacon and diced ham :+1:


but are you the girl in the picture?

No, she’s my friend’s girlfriend and a football fan…actually Bears fan…

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it is a jewel, beautiful! :kissing_heart:


It’s not so much eating as it is well…you know.

we all gotta get our calories from somewhere.

Dill Pickletini.


Beef pad Thai made this 8am this morning for the wife’s breakfast lol little bit of peanut butter at the end give
It a mix…bobs your uncle


I used to like mine with a little olive brine.


First curry after my week fast, and its very nice. I messed up, and lost my recipe after deep frying the cauliflower with a table spoon of Kashmiri chilli. Found another but that wanted chilli and the masala, so got a double does :fire:

It was a Cauliflower Tawani with a tomato, garlic ginger and cashew sauce. The cashews gave it some sweetness as well as the caramelized onions. The cauliflower soaks up a lot of oil and sucked up the chilli with it, I added a Ghost Pepper as well. It was perfect hot, sweet and sour :relieved: the masala was on the drier side for a change.

The wife wanted Butter Chicken with a touch more chilli this time, she os getting braver lol.

Followed by my other staple frozen raspberries, un whipped, whipped cream, natural yoghurt, crumbled up weed brownie and a keto dark chocky nut cluster on top :roll_eyes:

Washed down with a couple of large ones from the moonshine jar of honey and ginger whiskey moonshine :dizzy_face:


egg tagliatelle with tuna, cherry tomatoes and olives!


The Chef :heart: @Gugol

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Deer backstrap cooked rare on the grill…


Leftovers beef stew I made last night it’s cold tonight in San Francisco lashing rain
Good stew weather lol


That Cauliflower Tawani looks delicious bro, send some my way, I can handle the heat :smirk: lol

I’m going to take a week or more fast real soon. Been a few months since I had a good one. 2nd day is the hardest for me, but after that it’s smooth sailing. What do you break your fasts with @Shadey?

Don’t tell me you broke it with that curry, that shit would kill me :sweat_smile: lmao, or would it? :thinking: I usually break mine with a good bone broth. I do jazz it up a bit with some herbs and spices though.


I generally try and eat food

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I need that venison backstrap! Actually looking pretty good homies, I was expecting a lot of plates of Mac n Cheese


Lol no, first meal is very easy to digest, a small amount of raspberries and strawberries with natural yoghurt, and some fermented drink like camboucha, to get the gut bacteria woken up and ready for action stations lol.

Then I usually have a salad with a couple of boiled eggs 2-3 hours later, more bacterial food. After that I am back to the usual lol.

The Ginger bug I started making is to replace the $6+ a bottle of camboucha drinks we buy. It’s not doing as it should, after a week, I still have no bubbles :persevere:

Not sure if the kitchen temps are not warm enough at around 70 to get natural fermentation, or we have very little bacteria or natural yeast on the ginger. The recipe I used says peel the ginger, but I think that’s why it’s not working, so going to try again skin and all.

Might just throw some champagne yeast in the one not co operating, save wasting 10 ounces of ginger and sugar, add some more ginger, water, maybe some honey and a few spices like cardamom and cloves I love the smell of those spices. Get a ginger beer with a bit of booze content in it.

I was looking for a moonshine recipe last night for maple whiskey, every time the wife finds me a nice bought one for Christmas or birthdays, they bloody stop making it. It’s like a standing family joke, if you want to kill of a good product, buy it for me, guaranteed if I really like it, it will get discontinued :roll_eyes:


Baked tomatoes with red and yellow cherry tomato sauce + crumb with small pieces of bacon a pinch of pepper and oregano, extra virgin olive oil from Puglia. :heart_eyes: