What do stoners eat? šŸ“ (Part 1)

Ran out of olives and cocktail onions.

Pickles were all I had!


I love the colours in that pasta looks really yummy :+1:

I need to find a keto type of pasta, I think they make a pasta from quinoa which has low carbs I really miss pasta.

I used to make a wicked baked fettuccine with carbonara sauce. Cream cheese thickens it up and gives the parmesian something to cling to other than my fork, and a little sprinkle of chilli flakes to spice it up, and give a little contrast the garlic.


Fettuccine al forno alla carbonara, I will prepare this recipe for you! Very good :kissing_heart:


Sounds good canā€™t wait to see it :+1:


Just off the top of my head Iā€™d start with a rye base (if itā€™s a Canadian product) and add the maple after the fact.

I never had great success with whisky. Couldnā€™t make the cuts effectively with a small still.


hmmm,yummy Brusselsā€¦iĀ“m loving em too :yum:
we tryed our own this year

Brussels Sprouts trimming



Wow thatā€™s a spread, everything looks nice.


Not traditional pasta ingredients but good and tasty never the less, with pesto genovese


Whereā€™s the plates and the line up start ?


No kidding! Send me your leftovers!


Thanks for the tip, I was thinking of rye to keep more simple.

Just not sure whether to add the maple to the mash or straight into the alcohol after distilling, I like it when itā€™s syrupy in cosistency but donā€™t want it loaded with sugars.

The bought moonshine I was drinkin last night, is 45 proof so not so syrupy stuff. The higher the proof the more like itā€™s like water in its consistency with some flavouring added I find. Loud and fast but has no body or depth to it.

If youā€™re using a small still run your temps closer to boiling water and you will get a lower alcohol percentage. I find trying to proof down after distilling can make it taste not nice.


Looks nice, starting to get hungry keep coming on this thread lol, now the clocks have gone back my food timing is all messed up lol.

I thought finishing my fast on a Sunday would have re set pavlovs dinner bell, but no, its back at the before time change, hungry hour lol.


I once made a Christmas stout with molasses that turned out well because a good portion of the molasses is unfermentable so it came through nicely. Less is more though.

I imagine maple syrup is more fermentable and would be less likely to carry over.

Iā€™d bet money that the commercial stuff is mostly sugar and a hint of syrup added after the fact. Syrup is expensive and I think putting it in the mash would be pricey for a little flavour. Adding it later would likely add some nice colour too.

Just thinking out loud.


Appreciate your loud thinking lol, I have only tried making liquor to drink once and it was a crappy taste with the added flavouring.

Just tasted like cleaning chemicals, not that I often drink cleaning chemicals intentionally :joy:

Yeah good maple syrup is more expensive than booze lol, so I donā€™t want to waste a fortune experimenting.

I just had a quick look on YouTube last night, found a redneck backwoods maple wine made in a plastic bottle for 10 days, so was contemplating a maple mash.

I think your right though adding after distilling would probably give a stronger flavour and more syrupy consistency.

I have a gallon of 85% 170 proof downstairs, might be higher now I ran it through the still again making weed oil :slight_smile:

I might mix it up with some nice spring water and run it through the still again at a higher temp to blend it in and filter through some charcoal this time. Try and keep it around 20% 40 proof and experiment adding some maple syrup.


Iā€™m inclined to agree with your thinking. The only thing I might add is to do your mixing in very small batches and then scale it up once you find the proportions you like.

The only distilled beverage I ever made that was any good was rum. I also made a freezer concentrated cider that was good too but that only half counts.

Best of luck.


Dinner(lunch) with recreational grower friendsā€¦



Deer roast for lunch.


This sounds delicious though Iā€™m confident I would spend the rest of my evening baked, listening to my stomach gurgling at the volume of rush hour traffic.

Man I love whipped creamā€¦


One of the nurses I make bread for gave me shit load of olives,I donā€™t like them myself made a brine up so they will be sitting in it till December,think I have to get them one more brine after that.lot of work