What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 1)

I’ve avoided this thread for a long time. I love delicious food… so much that I didn’t pay attention to what I was shoveling in my pie-hole as long as it tasted good and gave myself diabetes. It’s a mild case - controlled by diet and medication, not insulin - but I have to watch what I eat now. While nothing is technically off the menu, there are a lot of foods I should only have a taste of and not a full portion.

I love to cook. I’ve started baking a lot recently to help my father’s Parkinson’s symptoms - and because my gf only consumes cannabis via edibles.
Truffles (not bad for a first attempt)

My gf was born in England so I bake scones for her - cinnamon chip for sweet, ham and cheddar for savory. We live 45 minutes apart and during the work week she usually has to travel the opposite direction, but we hang out on the weekends. I don’t really cook “for one”, which is great because I enjoy cooking when I don’t have to do it every day, and can take my time on the weekends. This also provides both of us with leftovers for the work week. I make Thai and Indian dishes, cook meat on the grill, and I love a good breakfast scramble. Here’s a Stir Fry I made

French onion soup: I’ve not made it myself but I worked for a French hotel that offered it as their specialty in the restaurants. I’ve eaten that dish so many times and, when properly prepared, it’s one of my favorites. If you like that, you might also enjoy “tarte a l’oignon” which is a savory pie filled with caramelized onion.

Green chile: I lived in New Mexico for 2.5 years and got addicted to the native green chile. Now I order seeds from New Mexico State University’s Chile Pepper Institute to grow my own, and supplement whenever they have good Anaheim or Poblano peppers at the market. The past few years I’ve found groceries in the Midwest that have offered “official” Hatch chiles (the Hatch valley in NM is the home of green chiles) when the harvest comes in. The stuff you find in cans doesn’t even come close to roasting your own. You can use the grill, toaster oven, regular oven, or over open flame. Get the outer skin to blacken and blister, toss it in a paper bag for a bit to let the steam loosen the rest of the skin, then peel and chop. You can use immediately or freeze for later.
Green chile is excellent with eggs, on a burger (you can order it as a topping at McDonald’s in New Mexico!), and in southwestern cuisine. A hearty green chile stew made with potatoes and pork shoulder may be the best thing in the world on a chilly autumn evening. Last minute additions of cilantro, crushed tortilla chips and a dollop of sour cream bring it perfection. Mmmmmmmm…
I also make my own hot sauce from peppers I grow (with carrots, garlic, vinegar, tequila):

Sausage: If we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic I would be making plans with my friends. The 3rd weekend of March every year we descend on Hermann, Missouri, a traditional German town. Besides their big Maifest and Oktoberfest celebrations, they host an annual Wurstfest. All the brat/sausage makers in the region attend, offer samples, and sell their wares. I own a shoulder-carry, soft-sided cooler specifically for this event so I can fill my freezer before summer grilling season. It’s only $10 to enter with 100s of samples available, and it takes place at a winery. Did I mention they open the town park for RV camping? It’s quite a party!

I don’t eat pizza “out” since the traditional recipe isn’t in line with my diet, but I found a whole grain thin crust I can use to make my own at home:


A co-worker’s family had a surplus of blackberries so I bought a few gallons last year. Among the recipes I made were an amazing Blackberry Basil cocktail, and a Blackberry syrup to pour over pancakes or ice cream

Speaking of basil… We went overboard and planted way too much when I lived on the farm a few years ago. Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full! I made sooo much pesto.

Not mine, but my dad’s handiwork on the Big Green Egg

Apologies for the huge pic dump. I guess I’m making up for lost time!


How dare you apologize. Keep em coming! :rofl:


No meat Friday

Chilean sea bass & Shrimp fried rice



Looks great
I make sausages little side line of mine, make all sorts
Use organic meats no nasty fillers,cake is Am weakness lol put on 20lbs during first lockdown in Cali from eating cake


I put on about the same too…I’m gonna try to lose 30lbs…This Lent I gave up boozing/smoking and no meats on Friday, Sunday and Wednesday…I know for a fact that I’m not the only one that gained poundage during this pandemic…I have to stay 6ft. away from the fridge…:joy::sweat_smile::rofl:


My wife just bought a treadmill rowing machine and bike lol I’ve been walking couple of miles a day lol
Also have the 2 dogs,she got me a Fitbit to track my steps lol


I was only diagnosed as diabetic 18 months ago. I finally had to give a fuck so I ended a lot of bad eating and drinking habits. That resulted in dropping 30lbs but they’ve been slowly creeping back with the quarantine. Admittedly I’m lazy by nature, but will start to move around more once I’m fully vaccinated (just a few weeks from now!) and spring weather is upon us. Disc golf is my favorite way to exercise.


I had a heart attack 4 years ago lol have a stent now have to watch what I eat lol


Left over last nights chilli and chips,and the rolls Royce of chip sandwiches,love chip sandwiches


Waiting on my new sausage stuffer to arrive image


Super decadent stoner munchies. Fried pb, banana and fluff sandwich with a chocolate shake to wash it down😂 it was so rich that I had to split the sandwich with somebody else


Nice use to love banana sandwiches as a kid,wife is back on her diet so I’m sneak eating lol I slipped out to get a bbq pork sandwich this morning


Medicated coconut balls 1 will last about 5 hrs pretty tasty hard not to have a second.


I love coconut I just can’t do anything with weed on it lol


You’d like these if you like coconut chocolate bars very minimal weed taste . If the taste bothers you add more vanilla or a oz of dark rum .


Had these last night…went crazy with the bacon…




Waffle House


Pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes and roasted apples. Mrs Foreigner forced me to eat a salad


Filipino meatloaf,for the nurses at my wife’s work

  • 2 lbs. ground beef

  • 1 cup Italian bread crumbs

  • 1 cup onion minced

  • 1 cup celery minced

  • 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

  • 1 teaspoon garlic minced

  • 1 teaspoon salt

  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper

  • 6 ounces tomato paste

  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup tomato ketchup

  • Combine the ground beef, minced celery, and minced onions in a mixing bowl then mix well.

  • Add the eggs, minced garlic, bread crumbs, salt, ground black pepper, worcestershire sauce, mustard powder, and tomato paste then mix all the ingredients together

  • Transfer the mixed ingredients in a loaf pan.

  • Spread the ketchup evenly on top of the meatloaf

  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and bake for 75 minutes

  • Remove from the oven and transfer to a serving plate.