What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 2)

Nice feast!

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Congratulations! I went without solid food for well over a year (first due to missing/broken teeth, then having the rest pulled and holes drilled in my head for implants). I just KNOW that meal was so killer!

Couch jumpers



Nothing fancy, tuna fish sandwich on rye topped w/shredded cheese…


Last nights meal was Toad in the hole with mash and beans.


Several years ago, my wife and I, who live in CA, went to MA to attend her 30th high school reunion. We were invited to a party at the home of an old friend of hers. We had planned on making this pie to blow everyone’s mind since we were staying in a hotel room that didn’t have a real kitchen (even by hotel standards!), just a microwave and toaster. We made it once before leaving home just to make sure it would really work, and boy howdy did it ever! The people at the party were seriously astonished that we had built that cake in a hotel room without an oven! It didn’t really last all that long.

Note that we didn’t take pictures of our cake, but the photo is a good representation of what it looked like. And let me just mention that it was fucking delicious!

Chocolate mousse pie

Here’s the recipe (which came directly from a magazine, don’t recall which one) -

This impressive and insanely delicious dessert requires only six ingredients, but that can be your little secret. Italian chocolate-filled sandwich cookies make a crust reminiscent of a Kit Kat bar; you can also use chocolate wafer cookies.

1 oz. (2 Tbs.) unsalted butter, melted; more for the pan
8 oz. Italian chocolate wafer sandwich cookies, such as Quadratini, or other chocolate wafers
9 oz. semisweet chocolate, chopped (about 1-1/2 cups); more for garnish
1-1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
Pinch kosher salt
3-3/4 cups heavy cream

Butter a 9-inch spring-form pan.

Grind the cookies in a food processor (I put them between two sheets of parchment paper and crushed them between the table top and a flat-bottom drinking glass) until they resemble wet sand, 20 to 30 seconds; you will have about 1-3/4 cups. Transfer to a small bowl and mix in the butter. Spread the crumbs in the pan, cover with plastic wrap, and press evenly into the bottom. Refrigerate.

Combine the chocolate, 1/2 tsp. of the vanilla, and the salt in a large bowl. In a small saucepan, bring 3/4 cup of the cream to a bare simmer. Pour the cream over the chocolate, let sit for 1 minute, then whisk until smooth. Cover and refrigerate for about 30 minutes to cool.

Beat 1-1/2 cups of the cream in a medium bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed to stiff peaks, about 2 minutes. (I did this by hand with a whisk we had brought.) Whisk the chocolate mixture to loosen it, and fold it into the whipped cream with a large silicone spatula until no streaks remain.

Carefully peel the plastic wrap off the crust and scrape the mousse into the pan, gently spreading it to the edges. Cover and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.

Just before serving, beat the remaining 1-1/2 cups cream and 1 tsp. vanilla in a medium bowl to medium-stiff peaks. Run a knife around the pie to loosen its edges and then remove the side of the pan. Slide a spatula under the crust and transfer the pie to a serving plate. Mound the whipped cream over the mousse and top with chocolate curls, shards, or shavings. To serve, dip a knife into hot water and dry it before slicing.

Make Ahead Tips
You can make the crust and fill it with the mousse up to 2 days ahead. Refrigerate, covered. Whip the cream for the topping and top the pie just before serving.

I want to take a moment to apologize to @mndlss for this post, particularly if you are partial to chocolate. This is not a weight loss recipe, but I just had to post it.


I’m good though have to live with it lol


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I have been loving familia brand muesli for more than 50 years. Let it sit for an hour or so with yogurt in it to soften. I like to put some fresh fruit in it just prior to consumption. Sadly, none in the house this morning. I’m partial to strawberries in this application. It needs a bit of color for any picture I might take to look edible, so I will forego that.

I like Nancy’s yogurt AND it supports Ken Kesey’s clan. Keep it local whenever possible. Since my stroke 5 years ago, I’ve lost far too much weight, so it’s full fat everything all the time for me.

Growing pot has gotten me off of my far too skinny ass and somewhat active again. Thank you, cannabis, my old buddy, old pal, for this solid! It’ll help build muscle.


I like grape nuts and yogurt. It’s goood


I used to really love Grape Nuts. Maybe 40 years or so ago, however, they changed their recipe and the little devils lost much of their crunch. Or at least I though so. That sucked for me, cuz hell yes, deliciousness!

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Looks great, thanks for sharing the recipe.

Bacon and French toast tonight


Droooooool…WHERE did you get THAT? Did you do do duck yourself???

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I make a good parfait with steel cut oats amd frozen fruit, set it overnight, so yummy

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Food - Tangerine skin (part) peeled as guy w:hard on (the core) Excellent!


Is that Keiv???

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:rofl: :joy: :crazy_face: I see you are also easily amused!!

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I am such a simple person when it comes to this kind of stuff.



Wife wanted chicken parm, I had a cheddar cheese breakfast :bagel: btw the best kind.