What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 2)

Purple sweet potato every documentary of the long lifers. I see that potatoes . looked for seeds before, this reminds me.

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I’m not from the Midwest, I assure you… :thinking::joy: Some loose meat sliders w/ cheese & dill relish… & some ears of corn! Strawberries & ice cream for dessert. Hope everyone here has a full plate & a full pipe tonight! Love & Light ☆ DJSF


hell to ya ya :metal:





Have been on a taco and chicken wings diet for awhile now :stuck_out_tongue: Nothing traditional but still pretty good. Corn tortilla, lime, sour cream, cilantro, hot sauce, salsa, green onion,marble cheddar. Meat has been skirt steak and smoked plate short rib (cherry wood) both with taco seasoning.

Wings are just straight up franks and baked in the oven after for a bit. Get lazy sometimes. Fried in duck fat :stuck_out_tongue: I bought myself a 40lb box of chicken wings for my birthday and have zero regrets :rofl: Might become a staple now :drooling_face:

Made some tortilla chips also from the tortillas just fried em. Pretty good with the salsa but a bit too thick for my liking.


Did some one say chicken wings?
Made some with Corn Flakes coating on them. :chicken:


That’s usually a response to insulin production and insulin resistance.

When you started the diet and cut out sugar and refined or high carb foods you probably reduced the insulin production causing sleepiness after eating.

If you still experience it, you should see your doc and start removing as much sugar and refined carbs from your diet as possible, you may be pre diabetic.


Last nights meal was…Salads and 2 boiled eggs.


Todays breakfast Ham, eggs and a banana.


I was buying 1 k of yellow sugar for coffee once a month, than ditched that cut sugar out two years ago just like that too, than I started purchasing molasiss instead, sometimes I will hit my coffee with it.
So whole wheat pasta complex-ed my carbs check.
Fruit. I was good before did not blend my two daily fruits. 1 Banana, 1 apple.
I would put it on large cut oats. Simple for a while.
Than I added a two spoons peanut butter but it has sugar at least the one I used.
BUT THEN lol I found out you can blend oats raw in a shake and my fruit has been blended and that can come with a energy hit in a form of a weird drop off.
Other than that I can not really do any more. note molasses was good iron, I tend to need some supplement of that at times or did. I used to buy only onions and potatoes for veg for years, ate a lot onions to make up for not eating other things. oh tomatoes as well outside of winter really due to price and taste.


Unfortunately pasta whether complex or not will give a big insulin spike, same as rice or hot potato.

Oats and bananas are high in sugars as well and will also spike your insulin, molasses definitely will.

I found replacing fruit with berries is good, they are all mostly water with little carbs in them, raspberries actually block the absorbtion of carbs in the gut slowing glucose release.

There is only a 20 to 30 minute delay in blood glucose production between complex and simple carbs but the more fiber and fat eaten with carbs slows the rate of glucose entering the blood stream.

Cold cooked potato, will also do the same as raspberries, as the sugars re combine into very long sugar chains causing your gut bacteria problems and slowing the glucose release

Its really all about how much short chain sugars, which are easier for gut bacteria to break down, are in the food.

You can get peanut butter that has nothing added, I have some I use now and again, but peanuts like cashews are actually beans, that do have a lot of carbs and leptins, I think thats what they are called, which can cause leaky gut syndrome.


Man, I must be the unhealthiest person out there, lol. I am learning some cool stuff here which is great. Keep that info coming. I ate a big plate of bacon and eggs with cheese, green onions and garlic for dinner last night, lol. :roll_eyes: I really need to learn to make good choices.


that hot cold potato thing is a trip. I don’t really have berry money thus the apple and bannas really. but I do have raspberry on and around my property I am going to have to cut my oats with them.
I feel out of sorts with out carbs for to long. Bachelor simple white pasta and sauce, pizza was my allot of my diet in my 30’s carbs was almost all I ate. I actually did find a peanut butter that was still 5 bucks a pound with less junk in it, i mean if I had cash I would spring for certain higher priced health items. Really got to get into legumes beyond red kidney beans. I have cooked those.

energy side notes worth considering
yet to be disclosed lol

  • Is it sunny that day or is it dark?

  • is it Humid ( I find it difficult to focus or function in hi humidity. )

  • Did I leave my windows closed too long
    leaving myself with out an abundance of oxygen?

  • Have I been awake too long or asleep too long?

  • How hard have I focused,
    have I focus too hard on something for too long with out rest.?

  • Have I been unfocused, a drift to long and need snapping back?

  • Am I emotionally drained by others or my self?

  • Nicotine the reason I started the list saved for last lol

I am soaked in it and have been for decades, now I vape.

when I say soaked, the pack a day until d.i.y all day vape.
( no boss or office so no breaks from smoking or vaping ever really)

vape juice gets low and as a result gets concentrated.

I can not even tell you how many times I have

failed to notice I was at the butt of my vape juice bottle,

were it is concentrated and found myself in a fog of

nappy, do nothing, barley able too walk around my house,shit days with min energy that I hate

myself for, for real that scene in the Bee Movie, showing smoke subdue

and pass out the bees that how it is or can be with Nicotine, the thing that kick starts my hart

soon as I wake up. lol I am heavy breathing from exercise in yoga positions still smoking while

doing it guy. lol so it is a factor. lol


That’s cool as long as you counter that with exercise perhaps something out of Rocky lol balance my friend.
I mean that was my stay skinny trick. Just keep moving, just keep moving. swimming, walking , moving like running from the reaper. If you burn the fat there is no evidence is what I am trying to say.lol


I get in my 10,000 to 12,000 steps a day at work alone. Love to swim and do a number of other activities, I am guessing that helps :slightly_smiling_face:


it is individual but I saw zero changes in my body until I changed my diet and added a extra punch to my normal activity’s. My nightly couple hour walk was replaced with one weekly, heavy weighted long walk.I needed a day to recover from until I did not infact I get home pumped up, happy and strong ready to hit another work out, my core is solid from the weighted walk so other exercises are instantly easy.


Buy a George Foreman grill. Knock out the fat! :facepunch:

Where’s @Abbbian for some pasteis de nata?

Those are Portuguese tarts for those who don’t speak Brazilian :wink:


Brazilian Portuguese, you mean! Awesome pic! Looks delicious!
:kissing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And this from a supermarket in Cali!@? wow!


Yeah I want one too now.