What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 2)

cant go wrong with a slushie on a hot summer day


Koolaid slush’s sounds so good! That’s a Game changer right there


I always liked the one where the king peeks out from behind a steel beam, that’d be scary as shit, lol.


koolaid lime slush :drooling_face: thanks for the idea it’s 114 here today just what I need it’s so bomb @Oldtimerunderground


https://youtu.be/BMgLRD2v5w0 I pretty much use this recipe @Shadey

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Excellent video, he solved the mushy falling apart bit that put me off. I will be giving them a go again but no cashews they throw you out of ketosis worse than ice cream lol, probably use walnuts instead.

Nearly $20 for 8 beyond meat burgers at Costco, so it will save me money, as well as not eating as much processed food, and I can make them hotter with more peppers, although his had a lot already, might try a curry version :+1:


I made Currant jam (red & white) from this years bounty :smiley:




I eat the same meals almost every day, freak level, that is why I avoid this thread lol
Dinner: 5-7 cups mixed veg, 2 piece fish, 6-10 garlic cloves, splash of vinegar, whole wheat pasta. ( no oil or butter).
That is it day after day (until pizza day)
Been at it almost two years.


Not quite as commited as having the same every day but I eat a salad for my dinner most days :+1: @sedin


went and got my go-to mexican food. steak burrito and lengua tacos:


So lucky here in arizona we get some crazy good Mexican food got a little hole in the wall family run joint around the corner and has the best veggie burritos ever and they have a mole enchilada sauce you can smother on it so bomb might have to go scoop one now that I’m thinking about it :joy::joy: @anonymous4289


Making more milk with cinnamon & lemon

It only has milk, sugar, cinnamon sticks and the skin of the lemon.
Mix everything in a pot.
Now heat the milk and before it boils you remove it from the heat.
Now wait for it to cool down, remove the cinnamon and lemon and now put it in the fridge or freezer.



That does look really tasty @sedin but it would leave me with a lingering question :wink:
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Beef, it’s what’s for dinner!


Meatlovers pizza day I guess.
Can’t say I eat like this for taste. It is not bad when you are starved, by the time I eat I usually am.
Fish is crazy easy to work with. comes in vac seal individual packets that dethaw faster than all other meats, I cook in foil and inside a toaster oven ( may get Alzheimer’s from the tinfoil ) and it takes minutes and then I fold the tin foil and trash it, easy cleanup, never really clean the pan, the foil protects it. I dislike cleaning dishes with animal fats it is such a pain. they say lean protein may be ideal and so far the price has been stable. Many benefits but ya I think I am opting for pizza tonight.


Not worried about mercury levels?


Not really never eaten fish for the other 4 decades of my life. ( I mean as it is accumulative)
Everything has something. Food Waring barons put out so much contradictory info after a while I just follow the gut. I upgraded to a stainless steel water container after using the same empty sprite bottle for 3 months at a time until I lose it and am “forced” to buy another pop, so now that I am not fighting off microplastic I have room for mercury lol
I caught wind of the diet given by doctors post, to their heart attacks, patients, a diet to bring their numbers down and to ideal, and figured I would get a head start. I was already skinny Kinda did it for no reason but once I started I could not deny my body works better this way, up to a point and that point is cheat day. lol


Yeah for sure I feel you on the diet. Mediterranean?

There’s groups of people around the world, they are termed as living in “blue zones,” they are the longest living groups of humans. Natural foods, and sweet potatoes and fish are pretty common to their diets


Yes I read that diet after I was into mine, very similar, with the whole foods approach and they are big on fish. . I also discovered a veg n fish diet is called Pescatarians Diet.
Items I choose were from the doctors thing ( truth it was an interview with Alec Bladwin after his hart attack. He got the list followed it perfectly and his numbers changed like that.)
I researched and researched amounts , were I screw up is I eat it all at once I should spread it out. My plate is scary heavy, usually I just use a big pot. It is an energy diet that is for sure. Kind of why I started I was falling asleep after everything I ate. My whole day was a push. also I carry all my food really far so the wrong food makes for struggling walks that I cramp after.