What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 3)

Vegans eat no animal products. Nothing derived from animals. Vegetarians just don’t eat meat, but still consume milk, cheese, butter, and so on.


I eat everything I shoot. And most of my beef and swine is raised and killed just up the road. :wink:


Same here, for years our beef came off our farm. Now we tend to eat a lot of game meat. Also stuff from store. But ehh. No problem :blush: hunting is upon us.


Did you ever get your bear processed?

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Was fixing to do that soon with the cold weather coming up. I have the meat in the deep freeze. Going to make sausage and pepperoni. Need to get casing. Would prefer colder nights for the smoking. And then making sure it’s cooked correctly…so no I have not. I’m picking up the beatled European mount this weekend. Wanna see the skull?


You know it!

Wait, you don’t have gave the bear tested up there?

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What do you mean man?

Last I checked(it’s been years), there was something that they would test for in processing up here. Some kinda disease they carried. Maybe I’m remembering wrong. :thinking:

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I know what your talking about. No we don’t test em here. We just process them, but it’s a raffle on a buck or bull you shoot whether they have that lung disease and are inedible. Or hoof rot. I mean shit, if it’s not something it’s something else.also they have a bad hair disease atleast the deer.

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Oh no, I meant the bear.

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I understand, I was just pointing out it’s coming to that with elk and deer too I bet. Turbuculosis and shit… no we don’t test the bear. Never have had to here.

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Oh, I dont know of anyone testing the elk, deer, moose, antelope. Only bear. Maybe it’s more common in that species.

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Most probable

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Last night’s air fried supper…


Fusilli and Rotini have superior sauce holding capabilities.


Ur plating is exceptional


A spoon is a superior sauce holder above the ones you mention.

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I’m glad to see it’s working out for you :slight_smile:



BBQ season is officially over, for no other reason than someone accidentally left the burner on and emptied the tank.

We could sit around pointing fingers, playing the blame game, or we can put this embarrassment behind me and make a great steak.


Can we play the blame game? Was it you?