What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 3)

sounds gross. i’d save my sauerkraut for a reuben sandwich, :+1:


Aww, you never had a dog, or better yet a polish sausage, with sauerkraut?



I used to snag those from Sam’s Club, lol.


I think that having the red and particularly the yellow crossing the dog rather than aligned with it makes for a much more interesting looking and somehow more appealing item. :+1:


Now that you mention it the zigzag mustard and catsup made it taste :yum: that much better … :wink:


It’s actually pretty good man. :+1: try it sometime.

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I wish. Your food makes me jealous. Haha

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Had a friend as a kid who swore it was better with the zig-zags. He’d throw a fit if it wasn’t. Haha


How so man??

reminds me of the argument over noodle/pasta shapes effecting flavor. i swear the shapes change things completely.


I’m with you man totally


I just can’t eat most that stuff, but I’d love to get baked and chow down on most of your stuff. I’m about to eat the first thing I’ve had all day and it’ll be cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, avocado, toast, and maybe a couple eggs. Hot dogs would be soooooo much better.


Right on man, I understand. Wish you well with your choice of meals. Eating healthy is always good.

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Oh, I’m with you on that for sure!

Hey @PatHealy…can’t? Or choose not to?
Mind elaborating(only if you’re comfortable)

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Choose not to. Multiple reasons. I feel a lot better mentally and physically when eating healthy and clean. I grew up with two divorced parents who both put some weird food stuff on me. My mom was super vegetarian and healthy. My dad was a former college athlete and his thing from the time I was about five was that if I wanted to be an athlete I had to take it seriously and that meant eating right and being in-shape. He’d make me run the beach every morning when I was with him. Fun stuff. Haha. No snacks. Nothing like that. I ate what he told me I could eat. He owned docks and a fish market, so we ate lots of fish. I never tried steak until I was twenty-one and I’ve still probably only had a steak maybe three times in my life. We’d have some chicken breast or turkey breast occasionally. Then, if I’m being honest vanity. I like looking good, feeling good, and hearing I look good from others. Kind of lame, but true.


That’s cool. Thanks for sharing bud!
Its gotta take some serious discipline to maintain that lifestyle. Don’t get me wrong, I love vegetables. But I dont know if I could live without meat.
My wife’s sister is the same way. I make fun of her though(jokingly). Like when she cheats and drinks milk, I’m like “you know that has parents, right?” Lol


I love milk. Haha I’m honestly more about eating whole foods. No preservatives or heavily processed stuff. I just have this thing with meat nowadays where I always look at as though, if I wouldn’t personally kill that animal to eat it, I shouldn’t eat it. But, I’m not hardcore vegetarian by any means. I’ll eat chicken breast or turkey breast once a month or so. Turkey burgers, turkey meatballs, and so on. Chicken thighs some times too. But, I’d love to kill a truckload of hot dogs, chicken wings, meatball subs, Philly cheese steaks, Italian subs, sausage/onion/pepper pizza, meat sauce, prosciutto, pancetta, empanadas, Cuban sandwich, and on and on. I’ve had phases where I grubbed out. Haha


I wish I killed more of the animals I ate.
Lol, does that sound bad?
Naw, she’s like hardcore vegan/vegetarian.
I’m ashamed to say…I don’t know the difference. :grimacing:


It would definitely have tasted better that way bro. Atleast in my eyes. But I am a hunter and fisher…

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