What do stoners eat? 🍴 (Part 4)


ooooohmigawd… :yum:


That’s from over the wknd., this is supper tonight…

Made this this morning low and slow but ready for this evening…


MMMMM! Beans -n-okra!!! Yer killin me dude!


making roasted hasselback eggplant with tomato butter feta and fresh basil :drooling_face:


NICE! I Have done it with zucchini, and taters of course–but that sounds awesome!!

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First attempt at it Just saw a recipe for it and had to do it don’t have eggplant often but hope it turns out having it with a nice salad I’m stoked :slightly_smiling_face:

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fried shrimp and fries, home cooked, not from the seafood shop.


My weight in sour watermelon Mike and ikes and strawberry clearly Canadian, all damn day
LoL :rofl:


Head cheese can be SO delicious, praise the lard! I’ve never had any commercial stuff (if there is such a thing), only homemade, by myself and other folks I’ve known. Recipes vary, perhaps regionally, I don’t know, but again, I know it can be so dang delicious!


I know I’m a day late, nonetheless, happy birthday to one and all! I hope it was all :yum:!!


I’m only familiar with hasselback potatoes, nothing else. That looks super delicious! :yum: Thank you for introducing my dumb ass to hasselbacking other vegetables! G8PxQ8j


Tofu and vegetables with Yaki soba noodles.


home brew lunch


It’s what’s for dinner this afternoon…


Dang brother that looks good stuffed shroom. Shishitos, tomato. I’m assuming some :fish:

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Maybe a matustska leaf edit horrible spelling.

I haven’t been posting much of what this stoner eats of late because, for the most part, I eat stuff I’ve posted photos of before. The same exact components making the exact same dish is simply too boring, both for me to photograph and for you to look at. In this regard, kudos to @Pawsfodocaws, @PhilCuisine, @Lady.Zandra63 and so many others for photos of all that variety of, in particular, home cooked goodness!

Before my stroke, I had quite a varied diet. Post stoke, my tastes changed, and here when I say “changed,” what I mean is they’ve become much more limited. I simply don’t like many of the foods I used to absolutely love, and that seriously sucks.

All that said, this was my breakfast today! I think I may just be the luckiest person at OG. As you may or may not recall, I believe about this time last year, @blowdout2269 sent me two jars each of over the top salsa and high country peach preserves. They were so fabulously delicious! The salsa had just the right amount of kick for this lightweight, and the preserves weren’t overly sweet. When the salsa was gone, I started having fresh salsa, albeit commercial, with every breakfast. By that time, I couldn’t really do without it. A few months later, that morphed into fresh guacamole every morning, made with fresh, again commercial, pico de gallo.

This morning, however, was deliciously quite different! My breakfast today was topped with piquantly killer homemade salsa I received from @Hashpants over the weekend! OMG, it is dangerously good! Once again, for me, the salsa is pretty much perfect! It has just a bit of snap yet isn’t too snappy! It is awesome!

One last thing. In the photo, you’ll also notice a pint jar half filled with tomato juice. That’s also homemade, also sent to me by Hash. Want to know if it was good (besides being past tense!)? Of the two pints he so generously gifted me with, that’s the last half of the second pint. Oh yeah, definitely delicious!

You can’t see it in this picture, but I really do belong to the world famous Clean Plate Club. I took this when Mrs. mota texted me asking if I’d eaten yet. Shortly after I took that picture, I tucked my beard into my shirt’s neck and licked that plate until it was spotless. And just to be clear, Genki got some of the bacon. It’s his post bacon nap at the moment.


Appreciate you brother. @blowdout2269 makes some damn good tasting stuff doesn’t he. Wish I could get a loaf out to him. I’m having logistical issues with stale Ness. Also you have wonderful food. It’s great, we love you here @mota .enjoy all i post and what we post it’s for everyone. Also @Lady.Zandra63 you have wonderful dishes . You are a great cook . :tophat: off to all yall


It’s shishito, san marzano tomatoes, stuffed portabello and pork cutlet of some kind…