What do you guys think about Autoflowers?

Of course “photo’s” are what I run — but some times a grow one with the other photo —There are some breeder that are making f-5" for me there are only about 5 auto breeders that work with Did a Citrus x bubblegum – yield 6oz not bad for 2.5mos have seen a 1lb-er in a 15 gallon pot Auto’s do have a place in cannabis,

I have 3bog x triks. One of the first seeds I made. Happy to throw a puck out there after I dig it from the fridge. Triks is mendo. Pretty sure Tony Green used triks to make his gg4 ril auto and triangle glue autos.

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I’m just starting my first grow with autos, I started some last spring but I ended up giving them all away to my little brother and my best friend. They both had good results so I’m just starting some now to keep and give to people:

Atlas Seeds Froot By The Foot and Face Fat

Twenty20 Mendocino Trizzlers

All from @Boozer thanks gromie!


I grow them on my windowsil nowadays.

Key is to give them at least 3 gallons / 10 liters of soil volume if you grow organic, preferably a bit more. And only one plant per pot, they don’t play well with others.

Topping is pointless when it comes to yield, unless you’re using synthetic fertilizer.


Instant humiliating confession : why the fuck I never used the plants tags for drying before ^^ ?
Thanks for kicking my ass lol


I actually plan on getting back into autos, at least for a run or two.

When I first started growing (July 2020), they were new to me! I’d never heard of them before, although I had heard of 'Ruderalis" before and it all started to unravel for me. I was initially BAFFLED by the idea that cannabis didn’t need to be photoperiodic! Then, I started reading tons and tons of reviews with varying success in the early stages, but, as time went on, almost any autoflower company or strain you look at gets stronger and better over time. Autos, right now, hold a candle to some of the most potent regular canna strains.

As I started to gain more and more grow knowledge in general, I kinda started to become indifferent to autos. . …like, big whoop. Most of them are short low-yielders anyway :rofl: lol! (Not entirely true, to be fair)

Now?? They’re piquing my interest again. Might be a while, but I’d like to grab a couple packs of something somewhere.


The froot by the foot is a nice fruity plant. The pheno variety was pretty small also. I think we had like 4 phenos. I’m guessing those are ready to transplant also


Nice! I’ve heard good things about all of these and I’m definitely transplanting tonight


I’ve done 3 atlas autos and they have all been solid plants. I did mine outdoors, so will be some difference in your growth pattern and mine

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I settled on pinching/crushing the main stem several times to push out the lower branches instead of topping. Also, 7 times out of 10 I ditch the bottom two branches early.

Also I’m definitely a leaf tucker with autos. I never found an advantage to plucking with autos, plus they display a ton of visual indications.


Very nicely done! Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Well your first mistake is those seed starters. Unless you’re doing hydro I would recommend putting them in their final home. Autos don’t like being transplanted. the first 20 days is very crucial since they are on the clock. I’ve grown trizzlers twice. She’s awesome. got 5 and 7 oz off of each plant. Have also grown atlas gummy bears. Nothing wrong with them they just cater to mass production so there plants are smallish. Multiverse hands them out like candy.
Check out my page. I give away beans on there and the free seeds page all the time.


Cool! What’s my second problem?


You would have to have a first problem first. :laughing: I have grow a bunch of autos and start them just like you do. Transplanting can be zero shock depending upon what or how you do it.


Ime the longer the taproot can go unobstructed the better since there’s no “recovery time” available


Big fan. Mephisto forum stomper FTW. 4 footers with epic bud to leaf ratio. Sticky icky.


Wow that’s a great yield from 5G with an auto, nice work dude


I start autoflowers in solo cups, and transplant them to bigger pots, without any issues at all.
I have never started an autoflower in its final pot.

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Ty. Was my first try at autoflowers. Really 4 gallons cause they had sub irrigation inserts that made an empty spot at bottom for water reservoir. 2nd one behind it grew pretty identical too.


I started with autos and a cheap light. Learned about air circulation, after a pretty Durban poison auto caught bud rot. Did another auto after that, and it failed as well. No clue why. Was like it died overnight. Went to clones afterwards, and been there since. A part of me wants to do one more auto one last time, now I have my tent set now. A Durban poison auto from growers choice

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