What do you use for deep cleaning between grows etc

i have been ok with using one part hydrogen peroxide, to 4 parts water…it cleans, removes almost any stains, and truly wipes away any sticky left from leaves, and definately deters bugs when you start the next round…have done this after every change, and if i had to clean in the middle, just pull everything out, wipe it down, wait ten minutes, reload…so far so good…


It just makes sense to me, I’d feel much more confident as well, I’ve been lucky and I know I’m pretty hardcore about cleaning etc. But I’ve been really thinking about finding an alternative method. And if it’s pheasible I may try it.

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I love hydrogen peroxide, been my go to for a long time. Little elbow grease it really does work great


When I got mites and mold. It wiped it out in 3 days with the room sealed. Always going to run this thing if I’m ever in doubt.




Could you point out what model you use and any details for using your own solution of chip seasoning?

Thanks Brother!

PS, I recently read up on the BlackDak thread and I too am a Black Pepper hunter. PM me if you’ve got anything you would like to trade that fits that profile!

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I too use an ozone generator, even throughout my grow in the lung room (albeit at very low PPM). Haven’t seen a moldy bud since.

Just got to figure out how to create ozonated water with my generator. I hear the buggers dread that and can be applied literally at any point.


I don’t really know if it’s the best one but it’s working well for me so far. We make some almost every week for cleaning around the house. It has a mild chlorine scent after it runs.

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Same here! I spray and wipe. Take fans apart and wash my filters cloth covers in the machine.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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For me all exposed surfaces get wiped with a diluted bleach solution, filter covers are washed or replaced, and i use a compressor to blow out the fans motors and the old mars hydro lights i use for veg.

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Thanks for all of the input guys! I’m actually learning some new methods I hadn’t considered . Keep ‘em coming…. I could see this being extremely useful for many others as well.

Anybody heard of Terra Vera?
They make pretty big claims.

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Hey @TopShelfTrees1 , I too am a big fan h202. I get 50% and dilute it to 6%. I’ve never grown without it.
Thanks for getting this thread started. Never really bothered to do deep clean until now. :sweat_smile:
The hypoclorous acid suggestion by @lefthandseeds sounds interesting. :eyes:


When the basement is wet and the algae is nasty.


Bleach/water spray down
wait 10min
Whip off bleach spray with paper towel.
Clorox wipes on the fixtures.
close up the tent and then run the exhaust on high for 1hr.

I don’t filter so no changes there.

If I had any issues I may spray/wipe down twice.



I use bleach to sanitize, I used @johnnypotseeds diy miticide mixed in the carpet steamer to clear pests that might be in the carpet. I’m thinking about getting an hcl generator because I’m the only person in this house who does any cleaning/buys cleaning supplies


Also the clean as you go principle that you apply in the kitchen should apply in the grow it’s easier to clean deeply if you don’t let it get to dirty in the first place.


Whoa. This thread makes me feel like a slob. I use Dr. Bronner Castile soap to wash out my buckets and res. I sweep and vacuum plant debris. I soak hydroton in hydrogen peroxide.


Yep! If you check out my threads y’all will see this OCD in action! :rofl:


Same, I’m pretty anal about cleanliness. As is @JoeCrowe im curious as to your methods Joe? Man I wish I could go no filter, if I did last run my entire block would stank no joke. It’s ridiculous how funky/eye/nose burning that Chem run was I LOVE IT!

Usually I sweep and vacuum the floor. If I’ve been experimenting with an infectious agent, I’ll do a disinfection routine where I use floor cleaner and mop the floor with a swiffer-like tool. Vacuum up dust. Nothing too crazy! If there have been parasites, I’ll go on a rampage where I clean the plants as well and wipe the parasite out.

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