I have used Grandma’s Molasses (maybe it was just me, I could not tell much difference). I am not sure it I used it correctly or not, though? I used it one (1) tablespoon per gallon during the first week of flush, I am still not sure if I did it properly? It is still a learning game for me.
See all I do is one table spoon straight on the soil once a week all throw flower but last 2 watering so flush time so to say. I’ve never been forsure if I’m doing it right either
Honey is best imo. It also has beneficial growth hormones.
It looks like I’m doing it completely opposite, from what you are doing. Maybe, that is why I’m not seeing much of a difference.
What type of honey? Store bought, unprocessed, which type if you would let me know and give some directions, honey is a whole lot easier to find and is a little cheaper as well.
What kinda honey? I’m pretty open to try whatever for most part
Might be but I know people who do it your way as well tho
For organics, the potassium in molasses can be very beneficial, probably even more than the carbs. Last I checked, some versions of the plantation brand had more than others, and substantially more than most other brands.
Honey has antiseptics/ antibacterial properties to it that’s why in the Olden days it was used to treat wounds probably my guess it would get rid of microbes as well depending what media your in.
I’ve been using this stuff, pretty good price currently.
occasionally a dose of this in the water…also Alfalfa in the soil mix, it has sugars too
Sprouted barley let to shoot out a bit longer than usual has a ridiculous sugar content
I’ll be checking into blackstrap been hearing a lot about how I should have it in my arsenal
Could there be a down fall to using honey an molasses together ? I’ve heard blackstrap is good to use with either honey or molasses.
I was going to through out malted barley as a sugar and enzyme source.
Elaine Ingram on molasses
Love those Elaine Ingham vids keep them coming @Sunvalley!
Ya just store bought honey
But is also antibacterial