What does my plant need?

Never let your pots dry out. Now you have a problem getting the entire mix to absorb water again much less stressing out your faves.

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It’s not a pH problem. You guys fish more than my old lady on a sunny day.

He hasn’t got a grasp on basic indoor gardening. Grow some tomatoes successfully and then transfer that experience to cannabis.

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Really tell me more,about this please what kind of kitchen scrapes

What’s growing tomatoes got to do with good weed if you don’t
Mind me asking,I grew a shit ton of tomatoes in one of my tents last year lol


Can you tell me a good :tomato::tomato::tomato: growers forum? Need to upgrade my knowledge … frech|nullxnull

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Anything fruit and veg, in small amounts, but as diverse as possible.

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Oh, also, one of the best things you can add to your soil is hempseed meal.
Is about the same price as kelp.

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For the basic knowledge you gain. If you knew how to grow a good tomato crop you wouldn’t have issues growing cannabis.

Folks fail such an easy weed to grow by throwing a lot of forum nonsense, rocket fuels and other “cannabis specific” crap at it.

Good mix of soil, TB. of Osmocote Indoor-Outdoor Plus or Dyna Grow foods and you’re good to go. I mix my own soil, by the bucket load. 50/50 organics/inorganics.


What value does hempseed meal have?

Yeah, you do. Here ya go… http://www.tomatoville.com/


I have never grown anything, really. Figured I would start with something that has great value in my life.
Didn’t realize i should have started with another plant…
Guess I don’t know what I don’t know!

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So what’s the issue old wise master grower rofl

IMHO, you do not need to start with tomatoes. That seems like a drastic move.

Read about growing cannabis. Not the forums, read tried and true books by respected growers/authors. Read til you eyes blur, take a break, then read some more.

You can do this. A rough start should not deter you from growing your own weed.

Grow, make mistakes, fix them, smoke your own weed.

If you are growing for first time. Learn about ph, and how to deal with it in different mediums.

I am still on the front of the bell curve, but I got some tools, will help you if I can.


2 books I can recommend which deal with basic culture - Mel Frank’s MJ Gardening from the later 80’s and Jorge Cervantes’s book which included the old and original Overgrow members and contributors. I probably wrote, posted, about 2 dozen or so “papers” during that time. Here’s one popular one. Last time I looked it was over 1 million views at Rolliup. Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas | Rollitup

Few other ditties were the Moisture Stress one, Abuse of Phosphorous, etc. Bottom line? Learn the basics and focus on root production.

It’s ALL about the roots! How can I use Spin-Out for chemical root pruning?



I agree, don’t stop growing cannabis just because of a rocky start. By all means, grow some tomatoes alongside of you have space though. Who starts a backyard garden and has a great harvest year one?

After a year of growing I still don’t really know what is going on. I found growing my plants and reading through diaries here is helpful though and I’m getting there.

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Your plants will tell you what they need. You just need to learn their language and that takes time.


Good points for sure chem. Having some vegetable gardening hours logged cannot hurt. Otoh, I grew tomatoes and potatoes on a medium scale for 10 years before I gave home indoor cannabis a shot. And I still managed to eff up my first grow.

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I’m not fishing. His ppm for such a small plant is to high. When a plant can’t uptake all the available nutrients the pH swings and causes issues like this. pH is massively important and before chasing any nutrient overdose you need the pH in range otherwise your just throwing more and more stuff at the plant that it can’t uptake and it causes necrosis like the op is seeing. Flush with PhD water and get both the ppm and pH in range and the plant will grow fine.


I would Say,After the pH Is in range,wait 20-30 minutes and feed a watering of low but in right proportions nutes.No Need to runoff


That runoff is to find out what pH and how many ppm’s the soil has, it’s an important data to find out what will be your next step … beer3|nullxnull