What does my plant need?

Minerals. Although it’s better to eat it I suppose. Kinda silly to grow food with food. Like growing mushrooms on brown rice, when you can use woodchips and sawdust.
So nevermind really. :upside_down_face:

The best solutions are free.

I only noticed the size of your pots now…
Transplanting them into bigger pots with more soil would probably be a good move.

Next time flip to flowering when the plants are about the same size (height) of the pot.
This way you can easily grow without additional nutes.

I give them between 6 and 11 hours of light during flowering.

There is also the no-till method, where you just sow directly into the same pots after harvesting.
This way the soil keeps getting better, provided you keep topdressing with organic matter.
And sowing covercrops like clover helps the soil too.

The more you have growing in your soil at once the better.


Food on Sale

As with everything, carefully read the ingredient list.

They put all kinds of synthetic nonsense in soil if it’s not certified organic.

Well, I have been trying to keep things simple. Chose a soil with a fair amount of organic material, I thought.
Been watering with plain water for the most part. Have interspersed a few watering with alaska fish fert, as I thought my yellow leaves were a nitrogen deficiency. Did not seem to help…
I find myself wondering how long until the nitrogen in my potting soil gets depleted? Like, when do I need to be concerned about adding more nutrients?


Did you finally transplant it? A pic will help … beer|nullxnull

Not yet. I have seen some people here plant in rubbermaid totes. I may try that route…
Seems like an efficient use of space in a tent.
I did top one of my taller plants, however. Went down about 4 nodes and trying to root that now. Seems like it is doing ok!


Regarding space a plant is normally wider than the pot-tote, I use fabric pots, healthy oxigenated air pruned roots, no overwatering and easier to transplant … beer3|nullxnull

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Cool! I just did some reading on fabric pots and they really do seem like the way to go :+1:
Got some 2 gal and 5 gal on the way. Will transfer into those…


Ok, until my fabric pots get here, I transferred my sickest plant into a 2 gal plastic pot and my cutting from the solo cup into the 1 gal.
Hopefully will improve both.

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The soil will automatically sink, when you notice, then you add a bunch of organic stuff all the way up to the border if you wish. You’ll see it sink every month.

I have cultivars going now that grow new roots above ground. There’s these white little stumpy roots appearing on the trunk, then you can definitely add extra organic material.

Can’t really overdo topdressing so long as you keep it diverse, a little bit of everything is much better than a big layer of only one or two things.

Variety of mulch activates a variety of microbes/fungi.
The more variety, the more life in your soil,
the happier your plant will be,
and the happier you will be.