What have I done this time!?

You sharing a room with him like?? :rofl:

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Ya that’s it. So I have plants in all different stages of veg and flower so I mix multiple gal of veg and bloom nutes. I’m thinking I accidentally gave bloom nutes. It has started growing again and where I topped is starting new growth finally. The new growth is fine not even tips burned so hopefully my flush slowed down burn. I was waiting to up pot and put outside to flower but then it went to hell. Thinking about ready for 10gal pot or 7 gal smart pot. Let me know what you think thanks again for help.


Dig out a hole and fill it with mushroom compost is ur answer for in ground, lots of trace minerals in our dirt just not the meat and potatoes, compost will give u that and in ground aeration and drainage isn’t as big of a concern as it will percolate the moisture and not sit at the bottom of a grow pot.

Like others have mentioned heat in the root zone can be a death sentence, either daily waterings early morning when water runs colder or somehow shadin, mulching or something to protect the roots. I’ve had 160 degree days in my greenhouse last year and just watered the hell out of em to keep roots cool during the heat spikes and things survived it. Plants can handle the extreme heat but once root zone starts to hit into the triple digits it’s bad news

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Ya I’ve taken to watering 1 to 2 times a day when really hot. I’ll use hose to water in ground plants around yard so running cool when hit the plants. The mulch and reflective wrap around my bb#3 and she is kicking ass now! Good to know about mushroom compost. Drainage here is non existent just poof dirt and caleiche is like cement. Seriously have to use a pick axe to dig holes here shovels won’t penetrate no matter how hard you jump on it.

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Transplanting to a large pot with new soil will definitely help it out and will help balance out what the problem is.


Ya it’s def my fav compost when building soil, 2.47 a 1cuft bag(6.4 gallons) is cheap. Throw 2 bags in a hole for 5 bucks and u got a spot for ur plants

Earlier start in the season makes a bigger difference if u have a nice canopy of leaves shading the root zone then it’s never a concern

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Where do you get your mushroom compost big store like Lowes or a nursery? I haven’t seen around here.

Good ole home depot


Just looked at ur stores inventory, they don’t have any, that blows. Might have to find it in Vegas EDIT guess Vegas doesn’t even have any, were hoarding the last of the seasons stuff down here in az

I’ve also had great experience with Scotts humus and manure found at tractor supply, just more expensive at 3.99 for .75 cu ft bags

When I did my last big soil build of 500 gallons it was half and half of the the Scotts and mushroom compost

Heat like that could definitely be a factor. Are you growing in straight pro mix and megacrop or is it amended soil? If it’s just straight pro mix + nutes the input pH is too high (I’d do 5.6-6.0 ish).

Also if it’s amended soil then definitely transplant into a bigger pot. If it’s just peat and salts I’d leave it in the one that it is already in for awhile still. IMO 1/4 strength nutes is nowhere near enough. I would run full strength at least if not slightly more (1.1-1.25x or something). I assume your stomates are closed up in that heat so they won’t be going through as much water as if it was just high light (where you could possibly get away with using less nutes)

When the temp is really hot or if humidity is low/ a combo of both the stomates will close up to conserve water but your plants will take a hit because they wont be able to take in as much co2 for photosynthesis but also wont be transpiring as much moisture through the leaves(which helps cool down the plant) so the leaf surface temp can end up being even higher than the environment which is not a good thing.

The pots will take longer to dry out when the plants aren’t transpiring too.

If you can measure your runoff pH (and EC) I’d do that too.


Thanks. It’s old reused ffof and other amends. It had only gotten upotted 2 weeks before I did what I did(I believe used my bloom mix) was using 1/4 nutes just for her to take well. No science behind it just felt right. Anyways was gonna give it 3 weeks in the 2 gal then put in 10gal or so and leave outside after a week to start to flower that way it’ll have plenty of room for roots for stretch.
She has put out a couple sets of healthy leaves again so I’m more comfortable up potting now it’s on the mend.

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Bro, I’m so sorry to see all these issues! Definitely heat, and maybe overwater/feed as well. Hope u get her fixed up, pm me if you need any help

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