What have I done this time!?

I’ve had more issues in the last 3 months then I’ve had in 2 yrs all together of growing. I thought supposed to get better with practice not worse.lol

This started at the bottom and has worked it’s up! As soon as I saw about 3 days ago I gave mini flush. My pH has been 6.5-6.7 going in can’t tell runoff cause I haven’t checked but watering again today. She was growing beautifully and vigorously then I did this. @Andrane is fat bastard a light feeder? Idk in at a loss.lol


Did you change anything?
Might just be my phone but is the pot dry?

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I don’t think so same 1/4 strength nutes. Maybe extreme heat it was first 2 days in a row 105+ before that was not above 100°


The heat would def be a factor… but looked like a mixture of nute burn & overwatering :man_shrugging: roommate pissing in it at night? :wink:



Yeah heat could be causing it, maybe causing the plants to drink too much n burn


That’s what I was hoping to hear. So cut back on watering and water with plain water for a bit. I wanted to uppot today and put outside fulltime to flower out now I don’t know if I should wait.


Plant in ground for thermal insulation, the most important issue for outdoor growing.If your soil is bad, bury your buckets.GL


I wish I could I have to move a couple times a day because of certain factors. I guess I could just move them to different hole through out the day though. Thanks for the suggestion gonna have to ponder this and see how I could make it work.

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For sun or why?

My Fat bastard likes to eat! Could be heat. Is that peat based soil? If so soil ph could be 7 at the top and 4 at the bottom! I started to top water 6.5 and bottom water at a higher ph. When I notice ph dropping in the lower portion of the pot. Seems to have helped me. I have no science to offer I just like to FAFO with things. :face_with_monocle:

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I live next to federal land so lots of people so limited spots but yes the sun. They way the property is set up and tree boarders and cane grass the only place it won’t be in the shade half the day is the front yard. That’s not an option so for now I do the curly shuffle everyday.lol


My plants in ground seldom need anything. I have 59 gal pots,they need constant care.



I wish I could plant straight into the ground. Well I guess I could dig out a 223 ft hole and fill with dirt. It just"poof dirt" and caleiche or desert cement lol

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May need fabric pots to keep the side temps down.Maybe crowd them together to shade the pots etc.

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That ground cover stuff is great for raising the ambient temperature when it’s cold but could be too much in a heat wave. Won’t kill them but may wilt hard on a windless day.

If camouflage isn’t an issue I would put white grow bags over the containers. Cardboard works but may attract pests



100% agree with @Hashpants!

It’s hot outside here 105°+ and those smaller pots get heated up real fast. The damage you are seeing is from the roots/plant getting to hot. I learn the hard way also :wink:
Remember in these temps if the pots/roots get to hot the heat will kill a plant in no time flat.

:arrow_double_up: this works great except you will still have to provide some shade the pots on the outside of the group exposed to the sun.

Remember that plant can take 105° only is the root system is healthy and not too hot. If you can find something to shade the pots to keep the root temp down find a spot that cast shade on the pot/pots.

Buena suerte! :call_me_hand:


Mega crop part A and sea-k and used mycos+ twice.

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Got a picture of the entire plant? @420noob

Ya give me a few will get a few good pics.