What the F@#$ Have I done?

So I had this little monster in a 3 gal fabric pot for 2 months or so and was root bound bad. Taking plant out of pot the bottom half of the rootmass(pretty much whole pot was root mass) ripped apart. Then in my infinite wisdom I decided to do some cleaning up and removed about 25% of leaves. Most were small not getting light or dead and dying. That was Wednesday this is what it looks like now. I’d there any hope? @bobgrows this is a clone you have worked with thoughts?

Should I put her in the flower tent with the big light? That would have her running 24/0 lighting or should she have like a 4 hour dark to help recover? IDK! What do I do? I was so happy that I was gonna have a good size plant to put into flower and see what it can do. After having this for almost 4 months I go and do this nonsense. Thanks


She’s probably pretty sad about what happened to her roots. They grow through the fabric, so getting one out is going to really piss any plant off. Anyhow, just don’t add overwatering to your list of sins :slight_smile: Mist the leaves 3 or 4 times a day.



There may be hope, but it will take some time to recover. Do not water much…just keep the soil moist. A misting gun helps if you have one. The roots were damaged and need time to recover, if at all possible. It is alright that you removed the foliage – I would have done so too if I ripped apart the root ball. Keep the soil dryer than usual, and apply a foliar spray periodically, just as you would for a seedling. Keep the humidity slightly higher, as if you went back to the propagation phase. Those leaves need to absorb nutrients, and those roots need to recover. Feed her leaves, and wait for her roots to re-establish.


Aww man Sry this had to happen.
1 thing I’ve learned over the last year. This plant can take a freekin beating and still pull through.
Is give it some time for sure. It might surprise you and bounce back, stronger.
Good luck with her :green_heart:


If this is the Kush, she’s pretty tolerant of a beating. Do what they said :point_up_2:. Great advice!


Repot shock! It will be fine over time, the 24 hour light is a terrible idea (especially if your going to Foiler feed) as it is trying to recover. All information provided is great. There’s gonna be some yellow leaves (maybe lots) on the recovery, they will be used as food back up to stay alive.


I would give her some dark time, I wouldn’t put her under the big light. I think she will pull through, i have done root trimming before the plant will bounce back. Just don’t over water her

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Thanks all maybe some bbp?

A bit outside the subject but i can’t resist.

  • 1 : Not the whole plant layers is 100% efficient for photosynthesis, the whole life of the plant. It mean that leaves have multiple cycles and functions. Young/fresh : full throttle solar panel, old : storages and/or buffers of compounds directly available. Both are necessary, it’s how it’s growing naturally.

  • 2 : Outdoor, the surface of the pots still beamed hard by the sun. The light penetration is different than indoor (as well that the density).

  • 3 : Cleaning the plants from necrotic patch (with scissors) or dead/yellow/chlorosis leaves on the bottom is clearly a maintenance to avoid to stack dead organic materials at the feets of the plants. Removing healthy parts of the plant isn’t helping her to go faster, it just ring the red alert of SAR. With high RH of the night and the morning droplets, it can be a magnet for a lot of worries as well with decomposition process (quite clean for you).

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I wouldn’t use that on a plant that’s already struggling. Wait until she snaps out of it. :wink:

it’s going to be sad for a while. it used to eat through a firehose, now it’s eating through a plastic straw. it’s going to take a bit of time to grow it’s roots back to support what it has above the soil.

and by “bit of time” i mean a few weeks.

introducing some mykos or extra potassium may help in quickening the root (re)development. not a lot. just a little bump.


Thanks for the answers everyone. Someone mentioned don’t over water and it made me think. So I got out my moisture meter and saw that the very outside dirt was moist but the football section was waay to dry mostly cause of my overwatering issues. So I put a little mycos water about 2" away from stem and by this morning she is looking much happier. Still gonna take a a couple of weeks I know but at least doesn’t look like it’s getting worse lol.

that is an acceptable amount of stress showing unlike earlier pics.

@fuel thanks she was completely overgrown. She had no maintenance done in over a month except removing dead/yellow leaves that weren’t getting light.


I give up ^^

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I was just going to suggest to meter the soil to see if she dry

Great come back

All right now

I swear by meters


Don’t give up! That is great info and you’ve convinced me to read into more!

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I think it was @ifish saying that root mass is equivalent to plant mass icon_e_confused|nullxnull, so if you have lost many roots they cannot support all that plant structure. That’s why the plant looked weak and tired, try to equilibrate the equation … beer3|nullxnull

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George nailed it : )


You can see the upset it caused @George

Now think what the opposite scale does , defoliation lol


Thanks, I went through this before … :see_no_evil:


Nice recovery : )