What is my issue here????

I don’t know if you should better use baking soda for that purpose, too much Calcium can block Magnesium … icon_e_confused|nullxnull

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When you flush the soil it removes all salts, loose nutrients and other contaminants throughout the growing medium. You are essentially starting over with plant nutrition.

Giving a plant that has a magnesium deficiency a calcium supplement is a mistake that will make matters much worse than they are now.

Mixing a teaspoon of Epsom salts into a gallon of plain water and giving the plant a drink is your best bet for a quick plant recovery.

Epsom salts has a low percentage of magnesium/sulfur and is highly water soluble and that makes it readily available to the plant. The solution may also be sprayed on the foliage for quicker absorption than through the roots.


Your absolutely right, and thats what happened. I was giving them baking soda at one point, but just recently gave them some epsom salt. They ate looking lot better now. Just got to keep a close eye.

maybe raise light less water let the pot completely dry, try seeing if you can get on a schedule of watering where the pot dries in two or three days instead of every five, Indica comes from a dry region they can tolerate dryer conditions and dont like wet feet as they say

sodium carbonate has too much sodium danger danger! you can use crushed lime of some kind you would only need a small handful for your issue if its to correct pH but I wouldn’t even worry about I’d concentrate on the other things to just finish round, next round start off with good amended soil for the least headaches

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Thank you for your feed back!!! Yesterday I water them with the feed schedule, plus less than a teaspoon of epsom salt which was around 140 ppm. I gave them the nectar for the gods ph up that has calcium in it. And also a little cal-mag. This morning they seem to be doing pretty good. I noticed the green color is starting to come back. What is strange tho. When I watered Yesterday, I only gave them enough to ensure the whole pot got water from top to bottom, because usually with just 1 gallon, the water doesn’t drain all the way to the bottom. So give them enough to ensure the lower roots get wet too. Just a little run off I can test. Well the dosidos run off was 5.2 and the chem dawg 6.2. But the dosidos doesn’t look bad, I would think at 5.2 runn off, it would be looking real bad…so that ones got me stumped. I definitely will have less yield than I would of had, but this is my 6th grow and I never had any issues like this, so I guess its a learning experience for me lol.

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Did you ever get these plants back to lush green?

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