Need Advice about watering

My soils seems to drain really quickly , its actually to a point I feel the need to ‘’ over water ‘’ too compensate for how fast it actually drains. Should I keep doing what I am doing?
Today I gave both plants a half tea pitcher of water. ( they are still quite young , but again I feel the need because this soil drains like a bish )


Hey there! I got some questions for ya:
What’s in your soil?
What size pots?
How old are these plants?
Are you watering slowly?
Are you using just water?


Okay I’ve got some pictures for you…

I believe the pots are 5 gallons
The older plant is around 2 weeks old in soil and the younger about 1 week. ( not gonna lie I didn’t mark down the day I dropped them in soil :sob: )

I’m watering them after the 6 hours of darkness I’m giving them every other day , As for watering speed I pour some in , let that drain in , and continue as needed until it’s pouring out the fabric pot.

Soil , it’s perlite mixed with some organic bag soil and I picked up from Ace Hardware garden center and a little bit of ocean forest. I’m not 100 percent sure of the composition of the ace soil.
I attached some photos of the soil to give a better idea !

I have been just using water but decided to add a little bit of nutrients to help with the stress of transplant ( I’m truly a newbie with only one grow under my built, if this is a bad idea I’ll learn soon enough )

Edit: Im only feeding Siberian Ruderalis water from now on until she flowers. I actually forgot her unique feeding requirements and gave her the same water as bubblegum auto. no wonder shes looking like that

Here’s a few more closeups of the plants

Just for some plant background Im growing these strains :


So for what I can see and the information you’ve gave.
I wouldn’t be adding any nutrients to the watering right now, they’re too young to really need a feed like that.
Because you’re growing in soil, I’d aim more to be feeding the soil biology than feeding the plant (hydroponic style).
With the size of the containers and how small the plants are as well, I would be careful of over watering them, as at this stage they won’t be drinking a lot of water and if that soil stays wet for too long it could go anaerobic and that’s definitely not what you want.

I would probably, above all, recommend adding a wetting agent to the water (aloe, yucca, quillaja, soap nuts) something to help lower the surface tension of the water and that will allow ot so ‘soak’ into the soil more easily. Perhaps using a spray bottle or watering can with a rose would also help with watering gradually instead of the water seeping through.

Hope that helps, and good luck with the grow!



I agree with @SonsOfAvery , it’s way too soon to add nutrients. Your soil already has enough for them to eat, your plants roots have a lot of room to explore and find unused nutrients that are in your soil.

If you feel your soil is draining too fast, it’s better to water more often than too much at once. Otherwise you risk to damage your plants roots, which is probably whats is already happening if you have a look at the damages of your plants’ first leaves. But don’t be scared, it’s not a big deal yet.

At this point you want your plants to develop good healthy big roots. Use root boosters/enzymes (if you have) rather than nutrients, and water carefully.

Correct watering in soil is what I found the most difficult to get when I started. With a bit of methodology and observation, you’ll learn fast I’m sure.

Also beware fabric pots tend to dry faster than normal one.

And if you feel your soil is drying too fats, it’s probably because your environment is a bit too dry too, try to raise the humidity in the air.

Have a good grow!


Thank you Growmie

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Thank you growmie. !

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Great advice from @SonsOfAvery not much I can add to that. Hope you get a beautiful, bountiful harvest my friend!


Thank u top shelf, I see you all through the topics here. A true growmie. Your the best !!