What is the best thing to get rid of grasshoppers and bud worms

Cricketts are its favorite food. They are fierce and strong, not to mention dangerous, the L5 and L6 ones are even dangerous, if they wanna hurt you, they will. But not much, i mean for its size can do tremendous amount of damage!


The caterpillars can be controlled with Bt, but grasshoppers are very difficult to deal with. Anything with enough residual strength to kill grasshoppers is not something to apply to Cannabis. Contact killers are ineffective because grasshoppers are mobile and very tough to kill. You would have better results using a bait for the hoppers.

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Neem isent a contac killer. It’s sistemic…


@MiG …i believe, however, the oil’s mode-of-action (function) is to asphyxiate(choke) the bugs? as it is with other horticultural oil(?).

personally, i use a neem oil with pyrethrin (Monterey brand Rose & Flower Spray plus) up to pistil formation, then a bit more bT(Safer brand) and no more spray weeks 3->>>|


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Thank you guys this has been so helpful I’m glade I asked before I sprayed my baby’s I will definitely stay with the neem oil thank you

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Al menos cuando es aplicado en el riego y absorbido por las raíces de la planta, el neem es sistémico.
Combinado con piretrinas, se produce sinergia y ambos efectos se refuerzan.
Yo no uso piretrinas sintéticas, por cierto, sino naturales de crisantemo.

At least when it is applied in the irrigation and absorbed by the roots of the plant, the neem is systemic. Combined with pyrethrins, synergy is produced and both effects are reinforced. I do not use synthetic pyrethrins, by the way, but natural chrysanthemums.

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:smile: At least we directed him away from the MALO-thion :skull_crossbones:



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