What is the Ideal Number of Photos per Post?

Oh cool. Yeah. been tryna figure out what the number is. 1 at a time was not fun. 8 was better… but yeah. idk. Depends on the gallery number, and the grid layout. like 3x in a row? like 20 total? sounds like a fine post limit… if we gotta have limits… Like. a grow diary, and you get 1 pic per post. not fun.


Would it make a difference how many plants/ separate strains that people are growing? I’m personally growing 11 different plants right now and if I showed an above picture and a side picture of each plant that puts me in the 20+ category. Would it be easier to read if I did a group shot and maybe some pictures of odd growth or cool flowers? I always worry that I post too many pictures. Would it also matter if someone posted weekly or daily? I feel there’s a big difference between 20 a day and 20 a week


Guilty. It brings excitement to me when I see the pucks in folks photos. I’m a kid like that about seeds. -but totally respect the thought process here. :thinking:


As a general guideline, I’d avoid posting an update until I notice some visible changes in the plants. This applies to specific plants as well, post pics if there are noticeable differences.

Posting updates daily seems a bit like obsession :slight_smile:

See also here: 🎬 Guidelines for Photo Upload


As a newbie (3 yrs indoors) and even newer to OG…some of us are excited and uneducated to the process and protocol and eventually get i to the rhythm of how things flow nicely


@LemonadeJoe How is this format for posting grow journals? I culled ten plus photos to get down to seventeen.


@SEMOActivist, I love this format! You have put the grid layout to the best use! Nice concise post.


Thanks to everyone for participation! Time to count the votes!

Based on the poll results, the most popular choice is to include up to 5 photos in a post (39% votes). The second most favored option is between 6-10 photos (35%). Together it’s a significant majority of 74%. 26% of respondents would like to see more posts.

Currently, the batch limit (the number of uploads you can upload at once in a batch) is set to 12 which offers a safe margin.

You can always post more but you need to divide to more batches. Keep in mind that majority of our readers prefer to see no more than 10 photos.

Additionally, be aware that 82% of readers would prefer you to include at least a basic description for the photos (and 8% would like to see descriptions mandatory).

:bulb: Tip: By using the [grid] layout, you can automatically create thumbnails and make your post more concise, helping to keep the content organized and easy to follow.


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: New gallery layout - The Grid

sorry deleted

Looking at my threads and the posts contained within them, I’d say that I average around 5-10 per post. Some lower, and many are higher if something big that day such as planting or harvesting.

I usually batch upload and then sort on the big screen. I sort out doubles or choose best of 3 or 4 similar down to 1. Also love to sort by flow. Do the photos and their order make sense and look “right” as youre scrolling through them.

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