What is your ideal maturity at pollination?

Not looking for an empirical answer, as much as I would like to know your preference. When do you like to pollinate? Pictures of a bud at that perfect moment are a major plus as it removes the speed-of-maturity variable between indicas and sativas.


Typically you want to pollinate at about the 3-4 week of pistil production. That’s normally gives the seeds ample time to mature before hsrvest.


I’ve got a nirvana thai that goes 24 weeks, should I also pollinate her at 3-4 weeks? :wink:

@DavesNotHere What I mean is, what do you consider 3-4 weeks of flower?


I run two to three weeks before pollination


Pollinate after the first “wave” of flower formation whenever that is on a 24 week strain. Once the plant has a decent amount of pistils to catch pollen.

At least that’s how I do it for our modern hybrids which is usually around day 21.


Day 21 of 12/12…


Like I stated typically 3-4 weeks from pistil production. Super sativas you’d prolly want to wait till a little later but I dont think you’d see the same pistil growth at 3 weeks on a hybrid you’d see with a pure sativa.


In nature with a male and female side by side both being of the same strain. Which week of flower would natural pollination take place?


Normally the males start to develop flowers earlier that the females, so as soon as the female start flowering the male is already opening sacks, on this way even if not many seeds will form, at least the very first ones will be completely ready, (normally in 4 weeks) to make sure there’s a offspring.
Doing it “artificially” you whant to have the nicest ratio of pistils as possible that is why , normally the females and the males are kept in different rooms, so the females flip off earlier in to flora to get the most pistils ready for the polen donor.

I don’t have any experience in Sativas longer than 9 weeks but i beet it will take the approximately the same amount of time for a plant to completely mature a seed ,independently if is a sativa o indica,(maybe sativas will take a week or two more) in the seed production you are looking in to ripen seeds not buds,so that is why you don’t have to guide yourself on flower days
But obviously the latest you polinice your plants the longer you will have to wait and let them mature


Seeds take four weeks. I pollenate 4.5 weeks before I want seed. If you need a couple of seeds you can pollinate early and cut early. If you need more seeds pollinate later. If you aren’t going to smoke the host plant you can pollinate late. Plants live several weeks longer than when you harvest for smoke.


There we go. Not sure why my brain couldn’t get here on its own, thanks.

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Not to sound like such a noob as I’ve collected and chucked pollen before but I’ve never seen a fully mature male before.
Must be like seeing a unicorn.
How long do they flower?


Oops I think the mushies were still working this morning, damn Alacabenzis , anyhow I put males in with females at 2 weeks and I dust 3-4 weeks in depending on the girls


Is that 24 weeks outside, or inside?
That’s a lot of input for those plants…
They must be worth it, or you wouldn’t be doing it ? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wondering if anyone has any pictures of their perfect point for pollination?

this is a dark spark auto for info purposes about 5 days in … Maybe