When is the best time

What day range into flower is it best to apply pollen?

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I’d wait till the buds are at least the size of a thumb


Seeds need ~40 days for fully ripening.
Indica should be pollinated around Day 20-30…

On the NLD I saw pollination around Day 100 of flower as well :wink:

Hope that helps


2-3 weeks for sure. Whenever pistils are plentiful


It really depends on how many seeds you want. if you want a huge amount wait until you see many pistils and they start forming buds.

If you want a small amount of seeds then you can do it early on when not many pistils are showing.

Then chances are you’ll also get a decent amount of bud.


Yeah, if you don’t need thousands of seeds, I’ve pollinated plants when they still had their first buds and had just a few seeds per bud - making it still smokable.

I was told you need to do it by day 28 of flip, but not too early. I just did day 32 or 33,something like that.

2 weeks later:


It’s funny how nobody wants weed with seeds in it. My daughter bitched about it two years ago when we let a male pollinate some of the females we were growing. We’d had some issues getting seeds to pop because they were older. The buds finished with plenty of seeds and was still smokable as long as you “cleaned” it. I told her that 'back in the day" that was all we ever had, the Colombian was good but it had seeds in it. It was also only 35.00 an ounce!


I throw pollen on just about everything and didn’t mind a few seeds in my bud because they’re like little gifts of nature. But I had some herms last summer and some of my bud had thousands of seeds. I’ve gotta admit, and I’m old-school too, that some of it was just unsmokable! :poop: So I made RHO instead.


If I am making seeds I will only pollinate the specific buds that I want. Also I let the flowers get well developed before I pollinate because my experience is that bud growth will slow after pollination as the plant diverts resources to seed production. I will then harvest the remaining buds when they are ripe, leaving the polinated flowers until the plant dies naturaly. I dont mind seeds in my pot as long as I am not “paying” for the extra weight. As you have said, years ago all pot had seeds in it. I have always believed that a seeded bud was more resinous. :grin:


I like to selectively pollinate too but I don’t believe they are more resinous.


@rasterman I haven’t made any RHO however we did make DAB’S and hash out of most of that batch. It was just easier to harvest the seeds that way before they went under the press.


My last run select pollinated some Sour Bubble with another SB and Black Candyland @21-22 days from first pistils after flip, figuring on a solid 6 more weeks to finish and develop. Barely an immature seed to be found, nice and dark and a respectable number of them even on small plants. Would say be sure you leave time to finish or let it go longer and overripen. Just my experience tho…

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@TheC525 your daughter and so many kids nowadays are spoiled and will never understand the perils of smoking weed smuggled in spare tires and gas tanks, lol :joy::joy::wink:


I was thinking I might harvest the Rest of the bud when they are done, and leave the one I pollanated to continue until i see seeds start to drop.