Sure. If your sprout is already rooted and not a fresh cutting, water only when it’s completely dry. If you aren’t sure, you can check the hearts. Just squeeze gently, see if it’s soft and flexible/if the heart will go kind of taco shaped. If it’s still firm, you can let it go a bit longer.
When you do water, go from the bottom (butt chug) by setting it in a bowl of water until moist towards the top or it feels sufficiently heavy, to encourage root growth. They hate being over watered but love bright indirect light.
I tried the same thing with a bromeliad & I guess I’m just a ‘bro’ so it never flowered & the ones in the supermarket looked fantastic. Never figured out what it needed.
African Violets, all the way!!! Under lights and wicking pots you’ll get insane blooms! These are my plant window fave! These are my favorite plants to buy half dead and ugly and bring them to glorious life. I also love trailing plants, so I have a rat tail cactus, an assortment of weirdo succulents, a rosary plant aka string of hearts. Orchids, a Pilea (Money Plant) is my newest half off special from Lowes. They overwatered it practically to death and I am now getting new bitchen leaves. I also have a few pothos indoors as well. lol Yep. Crazy plant lady here.
@cannabissequoia bromeliads flower only once then die, but will produce new plant offshoots that will flower. Most people just give up after the first one dies off. The flower lasts forever though, like orchids… months
I was wondering if there was a thread like this on here! Lol I have always liked plants but I was never really good at keeping them alive until I started growing cannabis and really learning some stuff and now I find it super fascinating and therapeutic! Here is my plant window lol
They are doing well in the containers, I would love to plant them in the ground, but I don’t know if they would survive…we just barrrrreeely have enough of a cold snap I believe(just around or slightly below Freezing for maybe 2 weeks total if that) so I didn’t know if they would do okay or not. @cannabissequoia
I’m in zone 6b, theyre not hard to grow at all but have specific care requirements that must be met if they are to thrive. They are straight house fly slayers but don’t really catch the smaller stuff.