What pack size is your sweet spot?

Lol. I was looking at a @Tonygreen seed pack a few weeks ago that were like 40 packs or something.


For me just 2 seeds per auto strain.

To be autos they have to be at least F3, but usually F4-F8.

I like to grow at most 2 of the same strain to keep maximum variety. 2 seeds allows 1 to fail, maybe germination, maybe it’s just a weak plant etc.

2 usually allows me to get 1 good representation of the auto.

After reading this thread I realize why breeders rarely sell packs this small :joy: Everyone likes much bigger packs :+1:


My runs are 5 or 6 plants each time, but I buy in advance, depending on promos and discounts, last time I got 30 seeds, all fem.
Next time I may buy less, something around 25/year is what I spend, so… only fems and autos.
Don’t like the odds having balls in my growroom.


I would never do this because it’s illegal in my jurisdiction but I’ve heard of guys who start 12 regs to end up with 4 nice females in flower. Gives a lot of room for runts/mutants/errors.

But you need the veg space.


Plus it gives you a much better representation of the line. Sometimes only popping a couple seeds means you only get the weird one-off plant and now you think the line sucks :roll_eyes:


Cannabis isn’t grown from seed. No one should be growing retail packs of seeds. Are they paying you to explore their genetics? Lol. You’re wasting your time. And money. Months and months. Dollars and dollars. You’re not gonna find quality anytime soon. Don’t kid yourself. Not with today’s operations. No one is running a 10 acre hunt for a stable seedline. Hell, no one is doing guided projects. It’s pull the winner from a hat. Cannabis breeders don’t know what to breed for.

Ask the breeders why they don’t sell clones like normal growers do. Testers every where, no clones to be seen. Imagine if tree and tomato nurseries all stopped growing plants and started selling seeds lol. People would raise their eyebrows. “6 week flowering period, pm resistant, dank skunk flavor, huge yields” yeah and you can’t even hold cuttings?

Real breeders sell cuttings. Fake breeders and hustlers sell seeds.


13 if I am just gonna run them. This is what I pack into flips or .5mL vials to give away.

25+ If I plan on working with them, the more the merrier.

If I know the person receiving is planning on making seeds with them I try to send 50-100.

I find that when I am digging through my collection, deciding what to run next, I don’t even consider popping anything with fewer than 10 beans. But I like to run medium sized cohorts.


If im buying them 12 packs are nice, if they’re gifted any amount is a blessing.


Oh no a little phenotypic variation! Horror.

Who has done this? I’d like to know.


That was/is an incredibly good deal. I almost pulled the trigger on the fat packs. But yknow… they wouldn’t been 127th on the things to grow list… lol

(Not because they’re not good enough, but because I’m a stubborn mofo and I stick to my plans haha)


I don’t think anyone has in decades really, outside of Breeder Steve. For back in the day it would’ve been the Haze bros to make Haze, maybe Sam the Skunkman to make Skunk… Possibly DJ Short did for Blueberry, memory is a little foggy at the moment :sweat_smile:


The cartels ? :laughing:


Me too, I almost bought it! Almost got a bunch of his stuff, but I didn’t know his strains as well as some others, but I’ll pick some up soon I’m sure :joy::crazy_face:

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It sounds like its time for some more boron?


Well, I’m happy to see you’re at least open minded :joy:

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Mine change by the minute because I just keep adding plans or doing something else on a whim. I purchased a silly amount of seeds with the 420 sales. Then recently purchased a bunch of MMS packs and a few cosmic wisdom that I passed on only to soak 36 seeds from MMS and am about to soak some cosmic wisdom. I wasn’t even going to have these seeds, and now, it’s a good chunk of my new breeding run :crazy_face:



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Sorry bro I couldnt resist that one😂

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If you don’t run em all to get the world beater I figure give some to your friends or sell a few and get your loot back to buy another pack ha!


What bugs me is most “commercial” seed company’s sell packs of 3 seeds when most “indoor” growers like myself usually have the space to fit an extra plant.
Femaleseeds nl sell in packs of 4 luckily.
I personally tend to buy packs of 10. Grow out 4 then give the remaining seeds away to friends unless I’ve really enjoyed a strain then it tends to do a second rotation in one of my future grows. :v: