What’s my problem with this yellowing

Above 28? Celsius I assume

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400 cfm fan in that tent is kinda overkill…I hadn’t realised you had a timer setting for temps and humidity…I will quietly slide away from further opinion…lolol…these guys here are more than equipped to help though fella…from the looks of the room everything looks ok from what I see first hand.
in around 10 days or so I will be running a seed set in vegg and I’ll document that process right up until sexing…how and when I water,pot sizes and when to up pot…try gather some pointers when I show it so in future if you want to grow in compost,you can make it easier for you…!!!Good luck with your current grow and wish you all the best dude!!

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I may switch to soil next

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Cannabis is a hearty plant, and everything pictured here will not prevent you from making it to harvest of some sweet homegrown. Go easy on yourself, accept that it doesn’t have to go perfectly on your first run. It’s a process that you can work on over many grows, and improving and tweaking your methods is a normal part of it.
All of this advice about every detail is good when you’re ready, but it doesn’t take all of that to have a successful first grow.


I’ll pray. I put a ton of effort in so far!

Just to document this nice input

I call it the “rhubarb effect” ^^


Haha rhubarb effect that’s a nice name with a perfect example :100::100:

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Thank you, @mongbae and @Fuel, for that insight. allhail


This makes so much sense on what is happening over in my garden. I keep moms by pruning and reducing the root ball in order to keep it in a smaller pot.


My big big pleasure🙏

bless you…I think he’s on the right track.!!!:blush:

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So the one girls getting way worse. A hole actually appears to have burned right into a leaf?

On the other plants I’m loosing some of the red in the stems but I’m getting yellow tips on all the new tiny foliage busting out.

Also some new spotting on one of the healthier ladies. I had not watered in 30 hours or so and have been getting nervous. Light moisture on bottom some pots, others not really any and tops of all were 80% dry to bone. So I added 1/2 cup to 1c water to all. Ph 6.3. My mutant small plant and the really burned one I think will be a blessing if I can keep alive

it’s a shame because I honestly don’t know how that coir works at all…but looking at that first pic it seems there may have been an overwatering on your part and the water has retained too long in the pot…the plants roots haven’t sufficient size to drink how much you put in and water from the looks of it is stuck in the medium column…if you added feed I would imagine that being more toxicating to the medium and you mention bottom of pot is still wet so somethings trapped in that medium column is my guess…how you dry that stuff down and what the cycles are with coir I don’t really know…but if you feed and water a plant and it wilts and looks like overwatering the roots are choking and not allowing uptake…its quite difficult to fully diagnose as I’m soil compost but that coir is for advanced growers imo…your new growth is certainly not life threatening.

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Fear is those new yellow tips will turn into the one plant. Since I’m a noob what medium would you recommend for next run?

I definitely think I watered to hard and also put plants into the 3g pots to early. Lesson learned hopefilly next run goes better. Gonna start the beans for the 5x5 in three weeks or so and I’ll try those in a different medium. AtlesSt I’ll have two things to practice in. I hope to one day get this down well! Even as a youngin I never got anything to take well. I thought for sure this time would be the one!

you have no problems as a newbie dude…everybody makes mistakes when starting…I did loads as a kid…but I went away and adopted a blueprint to my grow ideas and never changed anything…I use biobizz organic compost…its expensive but you get what you pay for…maybe a cheap 10 ltr bag of perlite and biobizz nutes biogrow biobloom and biotopmax…a tub of bat guano and some fairtrade meridian organic molasses in a jar (350g)…that is my complete regime for successful soil growing and will document in flower shortly and vegg period how all these components work together seamlessly…if you follow my lead when you start your seed with above formula and you get rooms dialled to a reasonably fixed temp and humidity enviroment you should be onto a winner…rather than me try to teach you here…pls watch on my thread and I will show my methods there…one day you can come back and dazzle me with what you decided to explore…and I hope on my heart you do…I think you got the makings of a great grower…your constantly asking about everything which is exactly what I did and why I’m here talking to you today…calm your mind in your approach and be patient and everything you want will come to you…follow in on the seed run and I’ll show you how easy it truly is to grow great weed… bless you brother

Appreciate kind words I shall follow along. All I can say is my Poison OG is looking amazing. It was also the largest plant at transplant. As I suspected earlier I bet If I moved later the roots be better and would take in more water and not have as many issues. I never have cloned but I have a cloner I purchased and would like to take a clone of this plants afterall If it can survive so far better then all probably a good plant to keep no?

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I would say so yes brother…after a while you will start to notice what to keep and discard in your rooms…but it’s a defined and narrow learning curve to staying consistent though…you’ll find it through patience and understanding…the only way I learned anything properly was attaching myself to a grower and what he did (heath robinson) was one example…i followed everything he did…watched his effortless approach and just watched and explored his views everyday…to gather these skills you have to virtually sit in a classroom like a kid and be prepared to be humbled in what you thought you knew…lolol…even in this coir set up your just short and having issues but I’ve seen way worse from growers with more experience…I think coir though is very easy to make mistakes and probably the reason I haven’t adopted it as a medium over the yrs…I see the yield concept is better but I’ve tried over the years to adopt a soil hydro hybrid so I could attain relative nr hydro yields…and I will show you techniques to achieve this…

On the last post, i’m seeing plants that are enough developed and sturdy to come back on the track. It’s worth to keep going and to decipher the funk imho.

I’m not after the “overwatering” hypothesis simply because the lack of critical symptoms. Now, i’m always operating (reasonable) dry cycles both in soil and coco. Mostly guided by the empiric “just lift it and compare to the weight of your last transplant”. For this stage of development, i’m watering with drain each 48 hours in general but in 2 liters/0.5 us gal. Just to give an idea.

Stagnant water and aging moist coco create fast patchs of necrosis in the most active leaves before generating typical chlorosis (not the one of LED burns, it look like more a N carency in more vibrant yellow).

One parameter is missing and worrying the plants, obviously.

The suggestion of mongbae on your RVK/fan/inline thing is what come in my mind, being prototyping something actually on this vein. I’m studying different level of pressure (negative and positive) with passive intake only. And i’m using specifically a filtered 400CFM in a standard 4x4 tent (120). The difference is that i’m running it non stop (this is the purpose of my tests) to catch the right volumetric balance to produce with modded vents.

I’ve a radical idea to test during 48 hours, if it’s even possible in your configuration. Open the tent in unziping the vertical zip and the twos horizontal zip of the bottom. Push your light at maximum height from the plants, dialed at 50%. Then be enough patient and watch any sign of change.

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I have a couple of dozen seedlings that have yellow leaves and are growing very slowly. Do you believe stagnant water affects root and/or leaf growth? I ask, of course, because I watered all my seedlings with stagnant water a few weeks ago.

Thank you for any input you may offer!

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Looks like water and nute splashes on the leaves. Notice how the others look good that are up off the medium. I don’t think they look yellow they are just babies. Once they grow a sec and get themselves off of drooping into the medium they will perk right up.