Best training method when you've got decently high ceilings

Trying to decide if I should set up for scog or go with manifold/mainline. Ceilings 8.5ft grow area is gonna be about 6x12(half a 12x12 room) 5 gg4 and 5 chocolope (assuming 100% germ) and 2 or 3 g13s.

Is there a big enough yield increase with scrog to justify setup cost/time vs manifold training or do they come out to about the same?


I liked the yield when i was doing it, but didn’t like the immobility of the plants.


Number one reason I don’t scrog…plant mobility.


I’ve said it hundreds of times while working with it and talking to partners about it “this really sucks, but it works well”. Ill take plants in and out by working them outta the table the 1st week or 2 of flower, but once they start stacking, then stay in thier place. Backing them out at harvest sucks. Patients is def a factor. Lol.


Mainlining takes 2x as long for no tangible benefit. Better to just top and train from there than trying to achieve perfect uniformity, which goes out the window anyway when the plant starts to bloom.

Stakes in pots so you can move stuff around if you have to. Don’t wanna get stuck to a screen but some people like it.


I should add, this is all strain dependant. If u have a prolific brancher/structured plant, a simple pinch maybe be all u need to get little bushes. I started selecting my production cuts on a cpl key variables to me, one is based on their structure. With a pinch or 2 and maybe a single branch removed, I get uniform plants ready for flower in 2-3 weeks veg. By week 3 of flower i have all my screen holes filled (sometimes with 2 branches per square). Last round i averaged 240 g’s on my NuGlu and 220 on my wedding cakes respectively not including the larf. Like I said Scroggin scucks for mobility and working under, but it works! I heard Brandon Rust say one time, “its a necessary evil”. I think thats spot on.


I dont mean to throw a spanner in the works but if you are going for yeild in a 8ft heigh area i believe your yeild will be higher if you shelf it into 2 or 3 shelves, scrog yeilds better than mainline from what i have seen but as people say there are workarounds like stakes in each pot to hold a net per plant.
The only problem with shelves in such a large area is access to the back and the need for LED lighting so as to not take up a lot of space with light distances.
Larger area grows its often much easier to do a SOG but thats just me.

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I personally wouldn’t do shelves until I hit 12+’ preferably. My personal room has 7’+ ceilings and I have issues when running my sativas and could never run them in a shelve setup. I’ve ran shelves, stadiums, double stacked shelves , sog, scrog, staked, yoyo’d branches, tiny closets to decent size 20 light ops. Every setup has advantages and disadvantages. What I’ve found personally is scrooged had been the most effective and efficient in our methods, but we do have a cpl strains that can only be ran sog to maximize what the plant can do. Sog def has its places and advantages at times.


I dont really have it in my budget to start building shelves and buying more lights. I’ll probably end up using my tents frame to build 2 big scrogs.

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Yeah i do agree shelves and SOG are very strain dependant. Im running a SOG in 2ft heigh shelves, lowering my wattage per sq ft to somewhere between 25 and 37.5 using eb strips which is nice and cost effective. If i expand ill probably max out at 3ft deep because of access but i can fit 3-4 shelves in a 8 ft heigh ceiling to make the most out of my space. Im working out that i want it raised up so i can have a res in the bottom shelf to stop the siphon effect happening which takes out a shelf but means i can run it with less input as i have been mostly hand watering so far.

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I’ve got 3 1000w hps/mh, gonna be 4 by flower.

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