What’s the longest you’ve ever flowered an auto?

I also give my auto’s 20/4. But I think Mephisto recommends 24/0.

I run 24/7, I also run 600w max in a pretty full 4x8… Also, I’d have to check, but I think I’ve gone 140, and i have some that I’m experimenting with that are around 120 now. I also have some clones of that are still throwing plenty of pistils and will easily go 150 I suspect, but we’re gonna find out!

I have yet to find anyone that suggests 24/7 :rofl:

I’ve seen some plants that didn’t mind and some that did. I feel like you should start them on 18/6 and then go 24/0 at the end. It’s just easier for me because I run autos next to vegging plants and 24/0 works better for veg imo.

Mephisto recommends 24/7 I do believe.


@Cbizzle I saw you mention that, but I haven’t seen it anywhere yet. I just wanted to run lower wattage and longer periods to keep temps and humidity stable, also to make sure there’re at least getting close to DLI before diminishing returns

If you can find anything about it I’d be curious to see what they have to say. I don’t think I’ve seen it in any of their grow guides. Most people say 24/7 is superfluous, after my yields this last harvest I’m not thinking so, but I don’t have a good comparison. One tent is going to have to be 18/6 for photos. When I make the split I’ll have to break off one of two close to identical size plants and see what happens. Should be hard with the 100 seedlings I have going. Time to start culling soon though :cry:


Usually around 13 weeks sativa strains seem to want a bit longer


I’ll try to find it, but I could be mistaken. I have also varied the light schedule on autos based on conditions, etc, but have been running 24/7 due to cold temps. Not sure I see much if any difference, but I’m not maxxed on wattage either, if anything running a bit on the lower side. You’re probably on the money actually measuring dli and using that as your guage.

Edit…found it. In their grow guide…
“ Some people want to save electricity costs, or ‘give their plants a break’ which is fine thinking, however we typically run 24/0 more often than not, we find it gives no reduction in quality, plants always seem happy, and in our experience development is quicker and shaves some days off the overall cycle time. However. please draw your own conclusions and see what works best for you.”

Whatever works.


It’s in their grow guide on their website.

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I run 12-12 lights on autos and photos all in the same tent

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Nice! I don’t feel so alone now :joy:

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120 days. Humboldts ‘Magic Melon’.

Not worth it.


That’s a nice plant


Thank you. :black_heart:

She sure yielded, but the terps on her are not up my alley (kind of a fermented fruit/kombucha smell) and the potency just isn’t there. My least fav. auto I’ve ever grown, despite her beauty! LOL