What’s the longest you’ve ever flowered an auto?

I’m on day 109 with this forum stomper, supposedly a 70 day strain. At this point I feel like I’m gonna let it grow as I cut her sister down three days ago. I wanna see what happens or how long it will continue to grow.


120+ days… :joy:

They weren’t turning amber, and they just kept getting fatter and frostier, it was my first grow so there was some over watering and overfertigating early, followed by some under fertigating late… I got multiple ounces per plant though :man_shrugging:


Love the sign and setup btw :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


129 days on a Tangerine Dream and only because I needed to chop for space.


Thanks we were shopping for my granddaughters baby shower last night (literally everyday is a baby shower for her but that’s beside the point) and I found it and none of the women bought it so I was like hmmm I could use that for pics. Wish I had better letters but I guess these are the letters the universe wanted me to have lol


I almost forgot, I ended to doing a staged crop and let half of two of the plants go for a few more weeks. I was trying to making it a little more sleepy/relaxing. What I ended up with was beautiful bud and not sleep at all, but it’s the best creative/daytime strain I’ve ever had. At least the ilgm version…

I love growing this plant and have stress tested it in every imaginable way, and they just keep plugging along, fast if conditions are good, slower if they’re not.


I dig the letters, kinda retro


I don’t think I’ll live long enough to see great grand babies, but I hope so!


That’s the thing I dislike about autos. They just start throwing pistils whenever they feel like it so a few buds are way behind and I may leave them a bit longer than some of the riper ones. I’ve accidentally harvested early just about everytime. This time ima see what happens if you go too long lol

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I lolli popped my current crop, it helps a lot of those late bloomers because they get chopped off. I made about 50 clones as well thinking I’d lose many of them, but lost about three…

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Like the Never ending Willy Wonka Gobstopper Instead the @BlazeUno423 Never Ending Autostopper :joy: :wink:

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I think the Mephisto Mango Smile I ran last summer went about 100 days.
I have one of her offspring going now, and she seems the same. I thought it would be finished this week, but in the last few days she started sprouting new pistils and fresh green calyxes all over the place. So I guess we’re keeping her for going another few weeks :roll_eyes:


I couldn’t say, I’ve never counted days on an auto. I just let em go til they’re done and ripe. I’ve probably only run a dozen or so though and they’re always just something extra when I’ve got some space


This is why I’m disliking autos more and more lol

Mise well veg out a plant for a month then flip


That feeling is starting to get to me as well… I’ve got a szkittlez that just started flowering when most others are done, but she’s bulking up really fast…

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125 days on Hyb’s autobastard last winter. It would probably still be going if I didn’t chop it. I didn’t care much for the taste or high, but wanted the seeds, which were ten weeks along. The progeny turned out much better than either of it’s parents.


16 weeks or 112 days on a pheonix seeds white widow auto from seed. Supposedly 7 week strain :rofl:
She did grow HUGE and wouldn’t flower at 1st until I flipped to 12/12 for a week to get her started then back to 18/6 again.


Same af these didn’t start flowering till I flipped to 12/12 for three days then back to 24/0. Ima let her go till I see a reason not to. I got plea ty of smoke of her sister to last so I can be patient and experiment.


How does running em 24/0 work for ya? I’ve always thought that plants need some amount of dark period to do their best and I think I’ve heard 20/4 is a good schedule to go with for an increased amount of light while still giving em a night time. Just wanted to ask, like I said I’ve only run about a dozen autos in my life and feel like I’m just getting the hang of em

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I tried 24/0 with one batch of autos for a very short time. The plants started looking droopy and stressed after a few days. When I went back to 18/6 they got happier. I think they need a rest period every day. But, like always, YMMV.