What’s up with this funky girl

Took in this cutting of Sour, gave it the usual zerotol bath I give all new cuttings and set it up in a root riot in the quarantine bay. A week later 2 of the plants also in the quarantine bay show 2 spotted spider mites. Disposed the infected material, gave all plants a foliar and root drench of zerotol, followed by insecticidal oil bath. Some of the plants didn’t make it but most survived but now after 2 months of very close watching, I’m confident the mite issue is gone. This particular cutting of Sour has never really recovered and is now sort of a mutant. Odd growth with all leaves growing in 2 or 3 leaf patterns, entire nodes of curled up in a ball leaves. The sour smell is still there but has anyone else experienced this weird mutated growth after heavy back to back plant drenches? And further is there any hope for this little lady?

Also another reminder to always quarantine your incoming cuts even when you drench them.


I found heavy drenching of miticides always almost kill my plants. I’ve never used Zerotol but Safers end all and a few others that have had the exact same effect I see on yours. I’d take off everything dead and repot into some dryer soil


I agree.
Even if you defeat the mites. The plants sure get there ass kicked from the treatments.


End all burns the living shit out of my clones. They tend to survive but barely.


Haha, glad it’s not just me


Do you guys even water the plants 30 mins before spraying???

Cause you gots to GET TURGOR PRESSURE UP before doing a foliar.

I don’t know the products you mentioned but Nuke Em by Flying Skull will do a number on my plants when they haven’t had a drink before but when they have they will take it like the champs they are and only some will flinch over it.

As for your plant.

Prune it back, both up and down, until you have barely any leaves left, but do leave a few leaves, and leave just over a tenniss ball sized rootball, then put it in a fresh container with some fresh lightmix soil.

And, call me crazy, but I’d put it under 24 hrs of light for the first week or two.

I don’t know why, other than my gut tells me to try it.


Nice to hear, it’s already been repotted into a 1 gallon and now under the veg light, I would be hesitant to run it 24h as it’s just recently been switched from the clone lighting to veg. Also it’s in co2 now in the veg area.

I’m just glad to hear there is potential for her to come back strong enough to take cuts from.