What’s up with this?



I don’t know it sounds too good to be true

Hell I’d buy 2 right now

Hell I would buy 10 if I thought it was legit….
Seems fishy……

Surely we can trust zjhong005sm…

I’ll take one.


I’m wondering if payment is flushing the cash down the toilet, surely that goes to China….


That light is on Farsebook also for $98? They havent fact checked it yet however… :wink:

I wouldn’t send a dime…

Buy off alibaba not some shady website.

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jkcde.com sounds legit… NOT… Looks like those FB scams where they tell you that you can buy a $9k mini excavator for $99. Sad thing is people do fall for it, send money and never see a thing…

If its too good to be true, it probably is… I dont even trust their paypal links!

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Looks like a good way to get your credit card information stolen. You can’t build a 400w led for that price.


I’ve got this bad ass bridge to sell yall

Yeah… I dunno about thatun cuz!

I got to agree with @Papalag on this lol
But… it IS or would be, one helluva deal if true!

edit… “30% off if the purchase amount reaches 100.Quantity is limited, order first serve first.” so if you bought 2, the price is even lower! smh :smirk:
That’d be like $50 each! lol

edit… I’d say either knockoff or ripoff…jmho

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I have 2 sf4000’s in my veg room. When I bought the first one the driver was bad and I looked up the price for a new one, it was $60.
The company sent a new one free. After investigating the driver that was on it I found that someone from the factory had adjusted the driver all the way down. So I adjusted the driver screw and it worked just fine. So now I have an extra driver in case one of them go bad on my lights.
Yes this is either a scam or an employee stole a shit ton of them and selling them. My guess is this is nothing but a way to get your money or credit card information. You can’t even get the parts to build this light for that kind of money…….


I bet there’ll still be some fools jumping on this ‘like a duck on a junebug’!
Maybe get a giftcard preloaded to a set amount, so they can’t get anything but what you’re spending and give it a go…IF you got the money to burn! lol

It IS damn enticing, ain’t it?!

and this beside it lol “Spider Farmer SF-7000 LED Grow Lights 5x5 ft” for $79.99

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Got ripped off on Facebook one time for
Gibson guitar it was super cheap like $1000,bank had to stop them from emptying my bank account
I was stupid as well,they didn’t take PayPal so
Like a sucker I gave them my card number as you do when your stoned lol
Lesson learned,unless they have PayPal don’t buy anything


I searched for the email contact and it has other suspicious sites, I wouldn’t buy anything there … ejem|nullxnull


Good looking out man…