Coupon Fiasco Thoughts

What do you guys think of the Vivosun thing? They had a legit coupon where $360 was taken off the total of the order for a day, and recently posted this response.


Good thing they caught it in time, they could have lost a lot of money.


Server folks said, the owner mentioned 500k @herojuana.tom


Damn, I really wanted that 5x10 tent


Holy crap, that’s a huge sum! Yeah, the internet is full of opportunists… we saw here recently how there are snakes in the forum, here to take advantage of others.
I remember a couple years back when Mars Hydro had an accidental discount that – if you ordered like 10 or more lights – it ended up that they were free. People on the Discord who noticed it got LOTS of free lights, and they were expensive units. Mars Hydro wrote to them, asking them to not accept the sent packages so they would be returned,but nobody did that… I don’t think that sort of behavior is cool… sort of vulturous… but it happened. The lights became known as “Lydia lights” because the letter from Mars Hydro was signed by Lydia. People joked that the email was her last one because she lost the company so much money… :skull_and_crossbones:


That happened right before I landed at cuthut.


Vivosun tents suck. But a cheap tent is a chesp tent. I have 3 of them i run. Lol


Think how much data they collected with this. Hundreds of orders. Idk, they can say it was a mistake but if they cancel every order they’ve just collected alot of data and a hefty short term loan. Idk messy situation.


Pretty bitchmade if you ask me.
Cancel people’s orders? Like wtf.
Yeah, mistakes were made. But I think they caught it before it was too out of hand.
Likely a huge loss for the company, though as the consumer, that’s not my problem.

I do not, have not, nor plan on purchasing Vivosun products. Especially now.


a few months ago, different sizes of inverters were offered on ebay, all at the same price in the drop-down menu. my friend ordered the largest one and received a cancellation request 2 days later. he rejected it and got the inverter at the lowest price.

if vivosun is too stupid to have its offers and settings checked in a 4-eye principle, the customers should definitely not have to pay for this. sap store.


I used to like vivosun, but i got rubbed the wrong way by them over their "growbox’
A while back i was under the impression i won one of those, and in my message/email to them providing my address, i wrote about the growbox itself, and the rep acknowledged what i wrote but never clarified or corrected me that it wasn’t in fact for a growbox.
Days later i recieved a package in the mail with items to promote them. But the shirt was too small, the gloves were super thin and just overall garbage.
Could’ve easily been told that the win wasn’t for a V growbox but they didn’t say anything and further led me to believe i actually did


With the recent prime event, I won a free hat but there was no way to actually claim it. Lesson learned.


I got a very cheap one way flight from LA to MI after a repo cruise. It was like 79 instead of 4/579. Yes it was honored but the offer disappeared really fast.

I know the law here used to say they had to honor. Most now have the not responsible for errors clause and I think all adds/coupons are built on that templates.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Read this story a few months back. They owe you what they owe you!


I’ve seem those quick ones too. 8 plus hours of accepting the orders almost seems like a honeypot though.


laws in some countries dont allow the seller to retract a public offer even if it was a mistake - this is done in order to avoid scams and false advertising. im pretty sure there are many states in which you could sue for this as well. like pursuant to california law California Civil Code § 1586 provides that an offer “may be revoked at any time before its acceptance is communicated to the proposer, but not afterwards.”

so, anyone who took the offer isnt a snake, theyre just consumers and the law protects and sides with them in many states.

i mean not like anyone is taking vivosun to court over 300 dollars, but their statement is against the law in many places. theyre the snakes on this one.


When I click “Buy,” I consider that a contract. I think they broke the law. And like others have said, they have my contact info. Contact information is how most websites get paid. So they were paid, but defaulted on their obligation to deliver.

Just my opinion. I’d send them a nasty email, but it’s not worth the trouble. But they’ve shown their word is suspect as far as I’m concerned. I’d still order from them. I’m running their tent and light and am relatively satisfied.


In my opinion @VIVOSUN is not an honest player. I remember last Christmas when they led us to believe that they were giving away grow tent but they did not. I get the feeling that they think we are all too stoned or too stupid to know or remember what is actually happening. They’re buisiness practices have left me unimpressed.


If you’ve ever wondered why lawyers are such assholes, look at how regular people want to read the law.

Honest mistakes should be forgiven when communicated well. Those that take advantage drive me almost as crazy as people who don’t tip - “we live in a society!!!” hahahaha


Lawyers are assholes because they feel they are smarter and better than regular people when the realities are they are historians, who we do not value as much or at all, who specialize in opinions made by previous cases