What should I do?

So I brang 4 cherry brandy autos inside to my tent from outside. They def had powdery mildew on them (not too much of it) and I dunked them in h2o and tried to get all the powdery mildew off. I took off the leaves that had powdery mildew etc.

Well it seems like the mildew keeps coming back, Ive been keeping close attention to my leaves so Im not letting it get out of control. But it seems like it isnt going away? Should I just trash the plants so I don’t infest my whole new grow? I got seedlings in the tent but the autos have like 4-5 nodes already.

They are pretty small plants right now not big at all.

also i have a fan blowing on the plants

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Would help


grabbing pics atm

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Do you have DR Bronners peppermint soap near you?
We use that but if it is proliferate after wash consider getting some potassium bicarbonate.
Budman uses it.
Potassium bicarbonate – Similar to baking soda, this has the unique advantage of actually eliminating powdery mildew once it’s there. Potassium bicarbonate is a contact fungicide which kills the powdery mildew spores quickly. In addition, it’s approved for use in organic growing.


If it were me I would cull them but thats just me.


on this pic its on the right top leaf

on this one, its on the very right at the end of the torn off leaf.

general pic of my plants


From the pics it does not look to be pm maybe just water spots on the leafs if anything move light closer

Use light to the best of your advantage

Wait for more input


I can’t see anything, but if you already treated them with H202 and it returned: I‘d get rid of them. How old are they? 3 weeks? Not much time wasted. Oh and spray your tent down with H202 as well.


they are like 1 month and a half or something believe it or not lol they were rootbound outside and I didn’t take much care of them.

trust me, its there, I rubbed the stuff off.


That aint hardly nothin yet, hit it with any approved fungicide or fungicide soap.
If you can get CEASE or Safer Gro Mildew Cure Organic Mildewcide, both will end your problem.


Really? Then I‘d definitely cull them. Autos do not like being rootbound. If they flower now you get an 8th of product per plant. Happened to me several times.


I have a growmie that fights with PM. But whenever I pick up a clone, I hit it with 2 applications of Green Cure organic fungicide. I have never had an issue once it was home. Be sure to increase air intake and circulating fan flow, as it makes it harder for spores to land and spread. Airflow!!!


btw I do not have the speriment stuff. who knows what I’ll do. I have many seeds of the cherry brandy so I could take em out and not risk nothin


they have showed signs of their sex but arent going too crazy with the flowering

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Trim them roots now, it will make a better plant.
Hold up, cut 1/4 of ball height off at bottom, cut sides in vertical cuts about 1 inch deep.
Place back in pot or in another larger pot, stand back. BAM
Or it dies, but wow.
If you have time. Do a search here on Root Pruning:
After that you can easily glean info from Zamnesia, whom I think was once here.


Walmart POT Bicarb.

Grind it in mortar and pestal, mix with water and spray everywhere, let dry, done. Bye Mold.
And next grow, use $2.50 make a Co2 generator for each 4 plants, then run the test again as they say. $2.50 to say that don’t work, I got mold, bugs and botrytis, fuck you astrodude.

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Green cure or sulfur. Both will stop powdery mildew.

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Green Cure is 88% potassium Bicarbonate, 12% soap.
GC 40oz $60 vs. Walmart $11

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I’d get them the hell out of your tent and sterilize the place afterwards!

Don’t bring trouble INTO your grow room. Ever.


Sign says you gotta have a membership card to get inside !

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