What the hell is this thing?

:cowboy_hat_face:HA HA looks like a BUG to me. :mage:

blackfly larvae. not caddis fly, that tail is too “flipper like”. I get em in my pond periodically on the rocks in the waterfall, but I get thousands outside unlike your oddball loner there. scrape em off the rocks as fish treats.

between 1/4" and 1/2" long??


You are right, color is also a better match.

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You might be the winner, Nagel420. I have those nasty black flies around sometimes. I have a hypothesis on how he got in there. I used the same sump pump and hose that i use to drain off water from the pool when the water level gets too high from rain. I leave the hose hanging by the pool and the pump in the garage. I bought a dedicated transfer pump and hoses last week so hopefully i don’t have another encounter. It’s either that or their is something they aren’t telling us about Cyco nutes other than they sold their soul to the devil and are distributed by Hawthorne now. I just cleaned everything with physan 20 and then ran it through the system for a day. That stuff kills everything so i shouldn’t find any more cryptozoological species this time around. thanks for all the input, guys!