What would you do with 50 cases of beer?

Yep I love the barter system, no taxes paid.


Trade for seeds.


pass it out to homeless


Sell it at the local beach spot… cash or ass


Dibs on some beer with seed chasers


sell all of it to a fraternity if you’re near a college ?


Well if it were me, I’d just bring em over to my house :wink: I mean u can still pretend to be me if u like :grin:

Then there’s always hanging down at the fishing holes, fisherman are bound to run out of beer sooner or later


Slugs prefer IPAs

Even as a non drinker it sounds like a shameless waste of beer.

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We’ve got a winner :+1:

Also like this one :laughing:


This resonates with me since I am already known to hook a panhandler or two up with a barley soda every now and again. I do like the slug moat idear too.

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Cook with some - steak and ale pie, fish and chips ect, you can braise a lot of meats using beer too.

If you have some yard work or need some physical labor done, maybe a local frat would do some work in exchange for the beer?

Shooting range - if you know anyone that likes target practice any pressurized can is a fun target for plinking!

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Brainstorming the local headline or police report.

“Man passing out beer at local fishing hole lures town back to home for a BYOF party. Party goers arrive to find bowls filled with dead slugs and dozens of passed out cats. The man later fired cans of beer at the the crowd, many of which appeared to be homeless and toting yard tools, from a home made explosive device he’d fashioned from an old oxygen tank.”

Most of the people I’ve given the beer to didn’t seem to care for it, one of my old buddies remarking “goddam” upon first sip and looking at me like I’d spit on his shoe before he finished it off.


List it in the buy and sell paper lol


Make a trail of them leading all the bums away!

Donate to a fraternity :rofl: no wait — sorority!


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If I can get a hole in this baby without blowing myself up in the next couple weeks, it might just be time to run for mayor.

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We used PVC pipe for our potato guns back in my misspent youth. At some point they become regulated as a cannon in certain states if I’m remembering right. Have fun and stay safe.


Sell it at Oak Street Beach on the lake front along Lake Shore Drive aka: LSD in Chicago…The price of 1 can of Bud Light goes for $10 each, that was 10 yrs. ago…

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I have crack shot aim with potato guns. I knocked over a dead tree with one after hitting it multiple times in rapid succession.


Damn, that’d be worth renting a U-haul and driving from the bottom of the country to the top. So far, people who drink Bud Light haven’t been fans of the taste. Crap… seems foolish not to. Hmm. I can’t, in good conscience, sell it and it would definitely sour a good relationship (hog feed from the stuff they make beer with)… but it is a pretty long way…

I had one as a kid. I got into RC airplanes in my mid 30’s and stuck one in top of an 80’ tall Oak. Went to Home Depot and built another one and bought a roll of string. Took a screw and shoved it in the end of the spud, tied the string to it and shot the tail off the plane with the first shot.