What would you do with a seeded ounce?

Making bubble should be fine. RSO the alcohol may extract some of the oil from the seeds? Cannabis seeds are 50% fat by weight. Thankfully the 25% that is protein won’t extract I don’t think.

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Collect the seeds and smoke the herb, not much you can do

smoked lots of bags in my life that were seeded, they got me high better then any dispo stuff i have had,which is always powder dry, in those days you could tell who was tokers by the little holes i n there clothes and car seats.


I’m a proponent of lightly seeded bud too. I definitely like the high better. Get a grinder like a tsunami that has big holes and go slow. I break 1 in 100.

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Well after doing all that… he could actually sow them bad boys…could get pounds of ok herb with a few oz of good shit…but you never know

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I smoke it if it’s all I got. Or I’m saving for my next grow. Lol if seeds no good roast them and put them in some cookies. Better than nuts. Lol

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Could just do a little bho run.

I’ve wondered how it changes the smoke. Many of the plants I’ve harvested recently have been lightly seeded, I only brushed some pollen on the lower buds of a few plants. Of course a few stray seeds have popped up in plants I did t intend to pollinate lol

Cant speak to heavily seeded buds but lightly seeded bud smokes the same except for the extra (free!) carbon monoxide you get from the incomplete combustion of seeds.

I pollinate lowers like you do :+1:

It’s the taste of popcorn that gets me. I give popcorn seed buds a low score at the contest. It’s the husks that make it taste like that. No matter how many seeds you toss, you’re still smoking the inner layer of the bud… nasty.