What's everyone do with their old/extra equipment

I’m sure that your light bill will love you.

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For sure. Even just running the one 1000w in the summer is a bitch. I just need to let a zip or two go and then bang new light.


I have repaired them. You do the stitching like you do leather. Make it as long as you can. You might get a run or two out of it.

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It was a Sun House 4’7"X4’7" tent from Sunlight Supply, inc.

Than last night it just wouldn’t zip close. I zipped but didn’t zip if you know what I men.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I gave all I mean all of my equipment to my grow buddy…1K lights both MH & HPS, both light movers and all pumps & buckets…I’ve kept my Phototrons though…


I could lend 2 more to ya till it’s finished, the two of these will easily cover that tent space and be more than powerful enough

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Lend me that trim bag! :laughing:

You happen to be in Michigan? I could do ya one better lol

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Alas I am not.

Will be at some point if my gf has her way though.

Don’t let her do it this place is like the fuckin’ Bermuda Triangle, crazy unpredictable weather and people come here and just disappear forever, Michigan swallows em up


Our local habitat for humanity run thrift store will take just about anything used in a grow room. I’m not big on reselling my used shit as I’m generally pretty hard on it. I’ll run it until it dies, anything that doesn’t get used eventually gets donated.


I ended up taking four 1000w ballasts to the scrap yard. No one (in their right mind) would be using an old metal core ballast and these were 20 year old pieces of toast anyway. Got like $8 each as scrap.


She’s from there! :laughing:

Being able to grow legally would be cool, guns would be cool… you know what else would be cool? The F’n winters! Jersey gets cold enough in the winter and you guys make us look like the northern Florida. She keeps trying to tell me snowmobiling is worth the cold and doesn’t seem to understand if it’s cold enough that a snowmobile is an investment that pays I’m not interested.


In the upper peninsula that’s their main mode of transportation come winter time :joy: in the mitten it’s more of a recreation than anything lol but you’d be surprised how much work it is to ride one, between the physical exertion and your snow suit you don’t get cold… Unless you stop, then it’s cold as fuck cause this place is ridiculous lol

But they’ve been getting more unpredictable lately, 70-80 for a week in December, 50s up until then, few years back was -40. It’s great.


I’m north of you and I can’t tell you how many winters lately the trails have been bone dry. Last winter you could see the grass most of the season lol

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Well if you do, I have 4 for sale. We had to stop riding them when Hubby had the first knee replacement. We only rode in the UP. Riding down here is no place for good snowmobiles.
:green_heart: :seedling:


I would recommend using a veterans page on Facebook or craigslist. Even calling your local vfw and if you ever have grow stuff to give away giving it to them. It helps and I know when I do it I always get some good stuff in return lol. Hope this helps.


Murder Mitten

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Give away for free…I gave everything away 2 light movers, buckets, MH/HPS 1K lights and even a few Phototrons…


I’ve been looking on Kijiji out here for a phototron to pop up but no luck yet. I think it might work for male pollen collecting or more bud as well.

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