What's is Kaua'i Electric?

808 genetics claims to have kauai electric. He claims to have a lot of stuff though. I like some of his work but dude drinks way too much hype juice.

I got.mine from lumberjack
A dude named Vader I think had them

Aloha growmies I am a Hawaiian from Kauai and is looking for some Hawaiian strains. I used to grow a long time ago and grew mostly sativa. Because it was free from family and friends. 20 years later I got back into growing and bought a lot of seeds from websites on the mainland. With some of those strains I’m having mold issues due to kauais climate and humidity. By any chance anyone want to trade? I have quite a variety and I also have some crosses from big island genetics. Actually one it’s the Maui electric. Also have a Molokai frost which looks and taste legit. Problem is the pigs killed every plant I grew. Cuttings from those. So I due have some seeds that I made from them just to keep the strain. Right now I am currently trying to reveg the bottom bunnies on the seeded plants I have left. Doesn’t look promising tho. Lmk if anyone is interested. Or if willing to try and grow some I’ll be more than glad to send testers.


Oh yea I forgot to mention I also have ducksfoot

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Hey brother welcome to Overgrow. A very good place for folks like your self. I have some beans I can send you at the end of the week. You growing these outdoor in HI?


Yobro, just saw this post on Kauai Electric and came for the memories, then saw your post and thought I’d say aloha! Think you’re gonna find a lot of good hearts & minds here on OG! What side of the island are you on?

I lived on Kauai way back when. Had a farm at the very end of Kaupea Rd (Old Lighthouse road) in Kilauea above Secret Beach, later had big greenhouses on Princeville Cattle Co. land almost at the end of Powerline (where the helicopters used to drop their netted loads into the dump trucks)! Still miss the beauty of the Garden Isle, but left about 1989 when it started to get too expensive for me. Been out in SE Asia for the last 25-30 years. Still wondering how my old ‘buddies’ are doing back there these days!

Best wishes for successful grows! Hope you post some fire here and that the damn pigs find something else to root up! Gotta stick 'em bra!



Dr. Emerson decends from the original protestant family’s that started some the first missions in Hawaii before disease hit the native hawaiians hundreds of years ago. I recently emailed him complaining about the pre-order bullshit hes pulling and asked politely when they would not be pre others anymore. Hes not the guys working with the plants and has had to change his breeding partner which caused a shortage in genetics available and also the complete loss of other genetics. I received a polite email back from him apologising about the pre order only on his website. The next newsletter I recieved explained the pre order situation further and recommend if you wanted the genetics you had to pre order so they could grow enough plants to meet demand or scale down to reduce overhead cost. Hes a very small vendor compare to 85-95%% of the seeds companies selling gear.
I dont recommend anyone pre-order from Pua and I have politely stated that to him I would noy be pre ordering. He was also polite and did not act unkind in anyway like so many claim he has when they complain about something hes doing or had said.
The truth is always stranger then fiction.

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@Tlander aloha bro. I’m from big island but got married to a Kauai girl and we live in Kapaa. I know a dude that lived on that road if I’m not mistaken. Haven’t seen him and tried looking for him but no clue. His name is mc. I used to grow 20 years ago and now just started back up. Ran some genetics from the mainland some did good others rotted. Thanks for the good words keep in touch

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@V4vendetta yes they will be grown outdoors. I appreciate you man when your ready I can send my address. I can also send you beans also. I’m at work I’ll dm you a list of what I have after work. Appreciate you

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@V4vendetta what website is the preorder? I wouldn’t mind checking it out if it’s open to public. If it’s private it’s cool tho. Appreciate you bro

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Its Pua Mana Ohanas website. Ive ordered from him before but the stuff that was on pre order from the beginning of the year is still pre order, everythings pre order… The genetics can be very good, I hear people finding good stuff in aa pack that i thought wasnt so good. So if you dont mind waiting forever, they apparently sell seeds.

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@V4vendetta thanks man. I’m from the same district as that dude. There’s a lot of underground farmers with some good stuff. The duckfoot I have was gifted to me from a friend from my hometown of puna. There used to be a strawberry duck that was popular there. Can’t find that anymore pua mama may have it.

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I hear this alot, besides the ducksfoot what else gets into rotation growing around the area? Curious to know your thoughts on the more sought after ones.

Sorry bro still figuring out this sight and stumbled upon this message that I didn’t reply on. So at the time I was there the younger crowd was into white widow,blueberry,train wreck, and a strain called Johnny d. That strain resembled moby. And the older crown was into kush, Swazi,ducksfoot,and old landrace sativa


Sorry for the old bump, but is white widow still being grown much there?