What's with the concerns about people holding addresses

Hello OG, I have a question for you all. I have given out well over 100 envelops of seeds in past few months and I have to ask people for their address every time. Many times I am sending to someone that I have sent to before. I destroy the addresses every time as it seems to be what people want but I am trying to understand people’s concerns about not doing so. So my question is what are your concerns about someone who you sent your address to actually keeping it for longer than it takes to write in on an envelope? What risks are you trying to avoid? This is a serious question and I am not trying to start an argument with anyone but more trying to understand what it is that concerns people about this particular situation? All comments welcome and encouraged.


I’m cool with you keeping my addy saved on your end locally/secure. My concern is if the site was compromised and an outside entity or person gets your info. I’m in Canada though so it may be a different story living in prohibition lands


Thanks bud, I am also in Canada as you know so I also am not getting the issue but that does not mean some don’t have valid reasons. I do get not wanting to keep your info on the site but in someone’s personal notebook who you sent it to makes no sense to me. I am sure someone will be able to explain why they have an issue with it and I respect that. Just want to understand why I keep destroying addresses just to ask for them again.


I’m curious about this too, I mean we might not personally know each other but there is a lot of trust here. Like we trust each other in trades and things like that. I always figured it must have something to do with location


Me too but just not sure of the specifics. If you trust someone enough to send them your address than I don’t get the issues. If you were worried about them having it why send it in the first place. I am sure I am just missing something here. I destroy addresses as it seems to be what people want so I respect that. I just want to understand their actual concerns.


I could care less because it’s a safe addy and always empty or not being rented out…


I personally don’t care.
Doug, you turned me on to the privnote thing and the whole thought of not having address on the OG servers.

I can’t really explain why but I feel more comfortable with someone having it written down in a notebook or whatever offline vs internet connected electronic data.

I think the fear is still a notebook with hundreds of names/addresses being confiscated as evidence at a busted grow-op and the ramifications thereof.

I am legal so no stress on my part there, thus my blasé attitude towards security vis a vis my personal contact info. I do not record or save outgoing addresses as it is the convention and thus my default.

Interesting discussion that I will be following…



Also in canada, though use Privnote for addresses myself and those i send seeds too for fun, reason being is privacy and once written and on an envelope at least for me that info is gone.

Now say pre legalization here in canada even though it was still legal to purchase and ship seeds just not germinate them you never knew where that information could land you or could be traced.

Saying that once you step outside of our boarders even if our plant of choice is legal in said country or area its still typically illegal import/export wise more based around agricultural laws and protections, So there’s that degree of anonymity to avoid any potential issues there.

Also less now or i just dont hear it there was always the odd tale of disgruntled shippers or receivers doxing and or phoning LEO on the other due to having there feels hurt or throwing fits. I know of one more prominent example on another forum specifically around a Light manufacture/seller/drop shipper where that happened.


I guess I just dont see the danger to be honest. So say for some reason they raided my home even though I am totally legal. They come across a list of names and supposed safe addresses and it shows for example I shipped 5 GSC seeds to someone. It strikes me that no law enforcement is going to take the time to try and track down the person who got those couple seeds. Now if the list said I shipped pounds of product to someone that might peak their interest but a few seeds seems like a waste of time. Especially if I am shipping to a non legal state. I cant imagine someone calling the police in USA to tell them 5 seeds had crossed their border. Now of course this is my perspective living in a legal area. An area where illegal dispensaries with tons of pot sitting on the shelves were being ignored.

EDIT: Tried to fix the formatting of that post but it didn`t work, sorry for the weird text.


Now i agree does seem inconsequential considering a couple seeds, though you never know how said information could be used or passed of to whom if say a situation arises.


@JustSumTomatoes was the first person on OG kind enough to send me some beans and after I gave him my address he said I could delete it from the messages if I wanted. When I asked why he said some people like to just for security reasons and I thought it sounded reasonable so going forward I would tell anyone I gave seeds to the same thing. I would delete mine after most times but other times I would forget and I’m not too worried. Privnote changed the game though and I use that every time now. I never deleted it from winning @ReikoX’s giveaway the first time cause I planned on him needing it every 4 weeks or so :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

I write the addresses on a notepad, tell them to delete if they want, and then once I make out the envelope the page from the notepad is shredded. I cant imagine anyone I’m sending free beans to getting too annoyed at having to provide their address again to get them! I certainly don’t anyway.

So basically way more info than you asked for or maybe needed but there we have it :laughing:


I love Privnote to keep info off the server and it’s not about someone getting annoyed with providing details repeatedly. After all, if someone gave me a hard time about providing an address I would just say “no problem, I will send them to someone else, bye now”. This is more about me understanding their concerns is all. I am a curious kind of guy. The most constant question a person like me asks is “why”. So while I don’t get the issue I still try to respect people’s wishes and delete addresses. I just want to know what it is they worry about is all.


Gotcha. For what it’s worth you can keep my address :laughing:

Hell stop by for a swim! Of course you would have to bring a pool with you but that’s just a minor detail!


Most any addresses I have, have no info on why I might have them. Even I’m confused if I try to go back and figure out what it was related to. I don’t keep any on the computer or online.


That’s a really good idea! Maybe I’ll stop writing “ILLEGAL SEEDS LIST” across the notebook every time. It would save me like 20 minutes what with all the Calligraphy and glitter pens, more if I can’t find my scrapbooking scissors.

:laughing: Seriously though yeah they’re just addresses in a notebook until I make out the envelopes. I don’t think even Matlock could connect those dots.


In my opinion, it’s mainly for peace of mind and to reduce the possibility of any of that information being compromised.

I have faith in the great folks on here and have no problem sending my safe address. I guess it’s the rare chance that somehow, through no fault of the member, that information gets into the wrong hands. Whether through a raid, or maybe simply a family member or friend, even a stranger, possibly struggling with a severe addiction willing to steal at any cost. Even just someone with bad intentions finding the notebook.

If even a few of those members addresses is the actual location they grow or live at (very real possibility) it leaves them in a very vulnerable position if discovered and the connection is made. Especially if they have grow logs done in current time, or even just post a random pic on someone’s thread of a huge bush like “going to harvest my 10 foot outdoor plant that’s in my backyard next week, oh and I’ll be gone all weekend visiting family 6 hours away :grinning:” I would assume distance and borders would really lower the chances of anything bad occurring, but it could happen.

I don’t think anyone’s that dumb to post something like that, but who knows what other way they could use the information? Blackmail? Sabotage? Maybe just for kicks to mess with you? I don’t like to picture the worst case scenario, but for some reason that’s how my brain works sometimes. It’s kept me outta trouble for the most part so far, so I can’t deny it’s ability for keeping my ass outta deep shit.

That said, nothing is stopping members from writing down an address or logging it on their phone. I personally destroy it, just for my own peace of mind. If I’m sending seeds to someone and request their address, even if they’ve already sent it 10 times before, I would expect them to understand. I know I would, and it looks like @Slick1 feels the same way. Everyone has their own way, so to each their own. I really don’t think someone being annoyed would ever happen, and it’s not really what I feel you were referring to when you made this thread. If someone ever said to me “don’t worry I have your address” I think they would be mindful to keep it as safe as they could and would never intentionally compromise that information, and I wouldn’t be upset at all. I just prefer to prepare for the unexpected, just to be safe. That way if anything ever did happen to me, whether Cannabis related or not, I know 100% there’s no way possible that information can ever be discovered because it doesn’t physically or mentally exist.

Maybe it’s all the years of smoking sativas, or the times where it was illegal here and I watched people do time and lives destroyed over growing a plant. At least now we live in a time where the views are shifting, and we’re rediscovering and sharing the knowledge and genetics more openly and freely. It’s a great and wonderful thing. I hope it keeps up like this and the momentum continues to build exponentially, feels like it already has and there’s no turning back.

Even though it’s legal in Canada now and I really enjoy being able to interact with the cannabis community more intimately than when it was illegal, I still feel the need to do certain things the way I always have. Leaving no trace. Holding it down, underground style. I don’t really like getting comfortable with things like legalization right away, it’s still controlled. It can be hard for certain things to change or become undone, mostly opinions. Not only my own, but the opinions of those who were born and raised to be inherently against it. It’s not their fault. Seeing someone’s lifelong negative beliefs about Cannabis go out the window after a single smoke session gives me hope. Watching someone go from having a seizure one minute, to completely fine the next, gives me faith.

In the end, I really am not worried about any members holding my address if they feel the need to, @Shadey has mine for when it comes time to send a seed box. That’s completely understandable though cause if everyone had to send their address last minute it would become unmanageable. I can barely keep track of my inbox and I only have like 20-30 people I’ve been in contact with. I don’t think I could’ve done that auto giveaway without a huge help(pretty much the whole thing, lol) from @CADMAN , couldn’t begin to imagine the work involved in the bigger one’s like the one @misterbee did recently, let alone a bunch of co-op seed runs.

With how many seeds you send out though @DougDawson honestly man I wouldn’t blame you one bit for holding addresses lol, especially when it could be some of the same people who win week after week at times (pointing at myself here :grin:)

I don’t even like to use the word win, feels more like blessed. When anyone on here sends me seeds, I feel blessed. I hope you all do too. No one should have to pay to grow their own medicine.

Sorry for the lengthy response. You wanted answers lol, you got em. Ok maybe not, but at least you got something :laughing:


I grew illegally for 20 years and I have PTSD because of it.

Even though it’s legal and no longer a big deal there’s still a part of me that wants my address destroyed immediately.


I personally choose not to hold anyone’s address, sorry if I have to repeatedly ask anyone for their’s. I write it on the envelope I’m sending and that’s as far as it goes. I don’t for pretty much the same reasons @Oldtimerunderground mentioned, for my own safety and for everyone else’s. Some of us may also use more than one safe addy or change them, so it would be good to ask for it each time just to make sure. I remember someone sent me a thank you card to an address I wasn’t using lol.

I know laws have become more relaxed and some of us live in legal states or even countries, but the war on weed is still very much raging on. Like @Slick1 already mentioned, I recommend not having your address written down in a private message…It’s only been like 15 or 16 years since OG’s servers were seized by big brother? Knowing those assholes they would just love to get ahold of an address book, cross reference them to addresses in people’s PM’s, then try to call it an organized crime ring, RICO case, or some bullshit along those lines.

I truly do hope in the future this will all be something we can look back on and laugh about… But until then, if Johnny law wants to make a pot bust I will at the very least make them work their asses off for it. Overgrow the world.


Oh good, it’s not me… :partying_face: :+1:



Fair enough. As I say it’s not people getting upset over providing an address repeatedly, never had such an experience and if I did I would just not bother sending them stuff. I am really just looking at the root cause for the concern is all. I use Privnote and try to point everyone to that since it is a note that can only be read once and does not store an address on the server. I am really only interested on people’s perspectives on this. As a site connected world wide there are many reasons for differing opinions based on things I don’t see so I thought this would be a good opportunity for people to post their reasoning behind their opinions.