What's with the concerns about people holding addresses

This says it all


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Okey dokey.


Big trees!


For me it is simple, I donā€™t trade or ask for seeds from someone I donā€™t trust, if I have full confidence in them I donā€™t care if they keep or delete my address. Once you give it thereā€™s nothing you can do about it, mine is a P.O. Box registered with an old address, thatā€™s the first and more important step to be safe ā€¦ :sweat_smile:


That is a fair and honest reply, many thanks.


Joys of living in a legal state


Iā€™m generally unconcerned. If the pigs ever decide to come for me I got the law offices of Glock, Kalishnikov, and Mossberg on my side.


LOL, I use Canwe Screwem and How.


Actually, your note is stored on their server. At least until it is claimed to be deleted. The destroy after reading option is pretty cool, but it worries me itā€™s just sitting on there open until clicked on. Theoretically if it isnā€™t clicked on it will just remain there. I kind of like the delete in 24 hours option better for that reason. But yeah, Privnote is a neat little gadget. There was a phishing site that looked nearly identical that was called Privnotes or something like that. Worries me a little cause who knows if theyā€™re data mining, would seem logical.

Either way, Iā€™d recommend people doing what they feel safe with. It really is a good question to raise as we are in very interesting times with so many different ā€œcannabis cultureā€ varieties with state and country laws being drastically different, and everyone having different views on security and its etiquette.


Wonder if who ever grabbed a addy would come show me hands on pointers :wink: .
I would trust you =)

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Funny enough Iā€™m trying to think of a way to send seeds to my friend who lives in Gaza lol,

I mite do a test run with some tomato seeds see if they get through lol


Some people lived through the drug war/prohibition and have done and are still doing time. Not everyone is legal


this is adding to the hole post just the pic for ref. on an idea for irish ā€¦ my neighbours would call them real hoidy toydee ppl all it would take is one slip on numbers when writing addy everything mixes number wise



I also donā€™t want to spend a shit load of money posting these seeds if they donā€™t make it,thatā€™s means Iā€™m out on seeds and money Iā€™m doing this as a favor lol


I wouldnā€™t worry about law enforcement and some cannabis seeds. I would be more concerned about who has my addy. BUT then again you guys remember the phone book days when everybodyā€™s real name and address was just a page away? Shoot I still get a new phone book every year


I had an address in the old Overgrow site back in the day and nothing happened to me or my address when the old Overgrow got bustedā€¦main thing about addresses is that you use a safe address where nothing illegal is going on inside the house back in the dayā€¦nowadays Illinois is a med/rec state.


I personally donā€™t care on the addy. But I remember ordering from across the pond in the late 80s and it was scary shit. Lots of folks here still dealing with the scary shit so Iā€™ve got rid of all the addys ive sent too except a few whoā€™ve told me not an issue. Legalization took ten years to slowly drop my guard. I kinda miss the sneaky days sometimes.


When I send my addy I use privnote, https://privnote.com/ . One of our members turned me on to it and I have it set to read once and it self destroys. No more going back to the dm and removing your addy.


It may just be paranoia from living in prohibition land. Iā€™ve got it and it remains a reality for me. They will put you in a Texas Prison in a New York Minute! There used to be a rule of thumb that you never received any mail at the address of your grow. Nobody worries too much about it these days. Even in Texas.




I would rather give my address to a person once rather than post it over and over. Privnote is great but I donā€™t generally seek it out to send my address. I know itā€™s work to also have a rolodex of folks addresses too. Regardless, Iā€™m more worried about a site compromise than an individual having my address.