Times have Changed?

So I am wondering about shipping beans to my home, i.e placing an order with a bean bank/store front.
Old school thinking is to ship all beans [anything weed related] to a different address than were your grow space is at. In the new world order and with many states here in the USA being legit now, what is the general perception about receiving bean in the mail to your grow space [for me my home]. I’am just wondering if people are still sketchy about have stuff sent to the home front and if I should think about setting up a PO Box, etc…


hello friend great question … then i’m talking to you that i live in italy and here it is illegal and arrest if you cultivate … then in italy as well as in american states where seeds are still illegal it is not a problem i will explain why the law says that it is illegal to germinate the seed not to have the seed … example where it is illegal the seeds are sold freely for collectors so as long as you get seeds by mail 0 problems … then as a precaution have them arrive at a different address from where you grow but there are no problems


While the times are definitely changing, I would still send to a separate address if you can. I do think law enforcement has better things to work on but it is technically still illegal to ship seeds. Also, there have been rare cases of seed suppliers outing someones address after a bad review. Finally, the fewer people that know you are growing the better. While a slim chance your postal carrier could notice, tell the wrong person, and then you have a potential problem.

I am probably just being paranoid, or overly cautious but better safe than sorry.


Unless someone else you trust sets up the PO box that won’t offer any shield from government.

I think the biggest risk is telling locals / selling to locals.

I’d use a safe address if you have it though…why not?


For personal use I think you will be okay. It’s when you start selling that it could lead to problems in an illegal state. jmo


I am more concerned about my local post.office.clerks gossiping than my.mail. route person…so I have seeds shipped to my house…instead of my PO box…except.that one time …when seedsman gave me a bunch of freebies like.snapback caps,bumper stickers and seeds… and sent it to the PObox with big green letters SEEDSMAN on it…yea good…times


Never thought of that angle, but I guess it happens… And if they are selling scam beans, chances are they have no reservations about pulling that crap either… Good thing to be aware of…

My Amazon driver has to have a clue. Tent boxes are obvious, light boxes obvious, Vivosun Bowl Trimmer might as well have had a blinking neon sign attached to it. Always make sure to make my dog bark when they deliver, mainly so they don’t realize he’s just a pushover and would likely sleep thru a break-in anyway.


I think the new generation just doesn’t know the old rules. I tell everyone to use safe shipping addresses, even if you’re completely legal.

  • Fake name that sounds real. Can’t think of one? Google the most popular names for your age and pick one.
  • Friend or trusted family member that doesn’t grow. Make sure they’re always up to date — surprises are a dick move.

Am I forgetting something? I feel like I’m forgetting something.


Ya, I get what everyone is saying. I am not or do I plan on selling my grow, so that is one less thing to worry about. Amazon knows all about my tomato growing :wink: as most supplies have been acquired from them. [ I know, I know, don’t hate, I am not a big fan, but it is what it is.] So outside of the drivers for Amazon, and my USPS mail person and that changes from day to day, no one knows of my tomatoe growing endeavor.

I am not overly worried about State/local gov and the Feds have more to think about then a home grower family man, at least I would hope so… Like I said times are changing here in the States, and if we are to break the stigma of cannabis, I guess we should do are thing and hope for the best. This is of corse in states that are legit as of now.


Imo if you plan on receiving/giving multiple packs of seeds I think first most practical thing to do is get a po box. Yeah growing equipment is not discrete! When I bought my 4x8 tent. The box said 4x8x80 growing tent along with everything else. Sooner or later your mail man, people at the post office will talk. Just don’t admit to anything…


They ask me once in a while what I’m mailing, I laugh and say souvenirs. :rofl: they sometimes right that on the package or label it as souvenirs. Mostly sent to Canada and had that happen


If the cops are watching you, you have bigger problems than seeds.

Seeds are fully legal.

There’s 100 USA seedbanks operating on the clearnet. Hardly on cop radar.

If you live in a really small town in a prohibition state…obviously be careful. Some towns are small enough where the cops know every troublemaker by name and keep their eyes peeled for any excuse to fuck with someone, legal or not. They’re the ones who are going to be filling out the paperwork anyway.

Mail delivery can get weird if you give fake names. It’s almost more suspicious. I’ve had packages returned because although I was living at a place, my name wasn’t on the box (just moved) Small town postman is more attuned to who actually lives where than you think.

Long story short, don’t worry about it.


Oh I freely admit to growing!!!

I gotta start my hot peppers in the winter, and a windowsill just won’t work. My mail lady gets free veggies in the summer too, so she knows I have a nice veggie garden :wink: (she loves us for all the packages we ship via ebay daily). She knows we ship 3D printed model railroad stuff and my gf ships clothing and victorias secret lotions and stuff…

The “Bud Bowl Trimmer” well, I was pissed. I mean, don’t even try to hide it Vivosun. Big letters, picture of the bowl trimmer… It is what it is :frowning: And I don’t even like it that much! GRRR…

The WORST blanket statement ever… Maybe on the Hemp Act. But my state, despite being legal to smoke and possess weed, possessing seeds is STILL illegal as spelled out in legislation. Even “hemp seed”. You need a license to possess seeds, and they still haven’t begun to issue licenses for recreational businesses.

LOL. I am definitely what you would call small town living. And my post woman still delivers mail to me without looking at the name, sheerly looking at the address. My family has owned the place 40+ yrs, and some of the addressee’s I get have never lived here, or even on the street. I just write “RTS addressee unknown”… I am curious if she’s noticed more greeting cards than in the past :wink:


Just to add insult to injury… Holy shit neat trimming hack - Overgrow.com
Sorry, I had to. :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll be making one of those when it comes time to trim, I think.

Hmm, that I didn’t know. I didn’t think they even bothered to cover seeds specifically in the legalization bill. So, what, are they expecting potential licensees to not even buy the basic startup equipment they’d need to start a business? Obviously if you’re a grower, seeds are on that list… meh. Lawyers, wtf. Now I’m glad I’m having all my stuff sent to a safe address out of state anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Show me an arrest for seed possession since 2018 and I’ll start to worry.

There’s anachronistic laws on the books in every state. Tell me…are they pulling birdseed off shelves and burning it because it contains hemp seed?


Growing off and on since the early 1980’s. Living in a prohibition state in the USA. I am a victim of the war on drugs, felonies (Manufacturing (growing)) hinder your chances of a great job. Until Federal reform I would have any and all grow related supplies that need to be shipped to you go to a safe address (where nothing is growing on). The most important thing is to tell no one what you are doing. Call me paranoid, but I have seen too much abuse of power by LEOs in my last 40 years, and as much as I would love to see our medicine be propagated openly, still have doubts. Not only LEO you need to worry about, knowledge of “bright” spaces in your house can attract the attention of thieves and make you a target, even in “legal” states.


Kids have sex under the age of 18 all the time too… most of the time it’s no big deal. Sometimes, though, when someone’s vengeful enough to prosecute… an old friend of mine I lost touch with years ago has spent his entire life on a watch list for sex offenders because he had sex with an underage girl. She was 14, he was 15. Just because a law’s anachronistic, unfair or outright broken doesn’t mean you can’t go to jail for it. It just means everyone isn’t going to jail for it, because then there’d be public outrage and it would be changed.


To me it always seemed to be a matter of couthness. It’s illegal to sell bongs, brass knuckles, crank pipes etc… But it’s perfectly fine to sell water pipes for tobacco, paper weights and oil diffusers. It’s all on what/how you advertise and sell the item in the US anyways.

So in the old days of OG when it was illegal everywhere in the US we just called everything “exotic bird seed” I have buddies who still send me seeds with this label and it brings back such good memories haha


Yes, technically sending marijuana seeds in the mail is illegal. That is why on all these vendor sites you see disclaimers saying they are for “souvenir” purposes or “birdseed”.
In reality they will most likely confiscate the seed and include a statement saying how to claim your property.
Though that is the case and I am a legal grower I still take precautions when getting seed sent to me.
Having gone to prison for cultivation I am probably more cautious then most though.


yup, buried in the 160 page document… I am curious on where they expect legit businesses to procure stock from. Do they expect us to buy cuts from the dispensaries? Technically, we should be allowed to purchase seeds and transport over state lines if the fed sees them as part of the hemp act, right ? Thats still a grey area and I am anxiously waiting to see more guidelines published for cultivation (also, how does that effect seed to sale tracking, as thats supposedly what we are gonna be doing). How about making your own crosses / seeds, or cloning from a mother, other things that havent been addressed yet… ugh… Drag your feet a little more you wonderful politicians and legislators, nobody’s waiting… Its only been a year since the vote and 9 months since the law…

Thats not the point, the point is they could should you find yourself with a LEO with a hardon for ya… Rather play it safe than flaunt it and find out I was flaunting the wrong shit…

Well, a felony for growing here and you get priority in the licensing process for social reparations…