What's with the concerns about people holding addresses

I still keep a safe addy. It still has nothing to do with me or any grow location. Old habits that have served me well for a long time… die hard.


Where i live you probably get less for murdering someone than 10 plants so paranoia is real. Our prisons are nice tho im told


For a second I thought a government entity was Doctoring your paragraph with a corrected redacted statement.What a trip

I dont sweat most of y’all having my address, or the law man coming for me to be honest.

It’s guys like Huge-Ass and other scumbags having it saved… and someone else causing them problems in retaliation… and the counter retaliation that could be possible.

Hell, i’v got some of y’alls phone number.

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Back when, nobody was real.
Today, not as much an issue. Look at the dockets nationwide.
The states that used to be the worst for persecution are now in “Boom Phase”. OK, KT,TN,etc.
I had a police officers family member as a patient in Michigan.
I have seen many articles referring to the loophole of Legal to Grow, But where do we get seeds?

this is why I got a PO box.it won’t stop leo but it’ll stop the shady fucks that are in the seed biz.


@DougDawson you can keep my address available, you never know I may win one of these giveaways :laughing:

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RCMP have me on file as a legal grower, so police aren’t gonna do shit. Would rather my address not be advertised all over the web though…lol