What's Your Favorite Gadget?

Lights, I generally DIY, but the HLG 650R is a dope Light. Fans, AC Infinity Cloudline series all the way.


I got one of these gadgets on my wish list-

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Lucky you! I’m still looking at trimming scissors, you’re wishing for an auto trimmer. I must say, those do look great. Let me know how it is if you pull the trigger.

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Alfred garden titanium gardening scissors are tits.

Makes me not want to kill myself in trim jail.


Scissors or trimmers?


Canna Brush for the win baby! If you haven’t checked them out you really should.


I’ve haven’t seen these before. I actually thought you were pulling my leg until I looked it up. Very interesting concept. I’ll have to try that out.

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Basting brush as well depending on the stiffness ya like one can trim the silicon bristles also


Not a grow gadget but a kitchen gadget for infusing oil or butter… Levo 2… super easy, does a fantastic job… I load it up, hit a button and walk away… love it! Even links up to your phone and can control & monitor from there.


micro controllers. They’re dirt ass cheap and allowed me to basically automate my entire grow.

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Is that like the same idea as using the “trim bag” or a 5 gal bucket and “rolling” your buds to trim them?

I’m not sure about the correct nomenclature.

The design you posted is the older version. The new ones are much better. I’ve tried everything and these work the best.

Running 8" Hyper fan on 66 Can filter. Built a pair of HLG 320s Bridgelux strips. Lights and Fans are good. Looking for quality (control equipment)

Oops, misread that… I use Sonoff 4ch timers/switches for my lights. The AC Infinity fans have a temp/humidity controller built in, and I use Inkbird temp and humidity controllers for my lung room.


Had to Google that one. lol

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Yep those work makes trimming super fast!

I bought a silicon brush to try that. But never did. That’s all it is right?


It does look like silicone. They grip onto the leaves better then nylon brush would. I used a plastic brush. One would think a silicone would work better. I got two plants in last year by myself and had to try that, and man I’m glad I did


The brush won’t replace my scissors and didn’t help me when my buds were still wet, but they were quite helpful trimming flowers that were sufficiently dried. They have their place. I’m not sure if the “real” ones they sell for $20 are that much more effective than a Dollar Store silicone basting brush like you’d use for slathering BBQ sauce, but I’m glad I gave it a shot.


To measure plant distance from lighting…my yardstick