Anyone here had a vasectomy?

Wifey tells me I need one. I hate needles. Plus, the thought of gettin the boys cut makes me shudder lol. Anyone had one?

Tell me about it!



Well I have not, but my father has. He was out of work for two days only. Had mild pain, this was so many years ago so I’m sure practices have improved. I dont believe you have to see or feel anything going on. Get lots of ice brother!

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tell her to get her tubes tied. easier to reverse i think.

She can’t get them tied till she’s 25, or has 3 kids whichever comes first, plus I’ve got two kids of my own already and she doesn’t want any because she says they will come out demon spawns with her mental problems lol. (She’s a good sport about it)

I’d rather just handle it on my end, not to mention since it’ll be out of pocket it’s cheaper for me to have a vasectomy.


well that’s very considerate of you! i guess i’m a selfish asshole. probably why i’ve never had a date.


Its also much safer for you then her… What a nice hubby

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Hubby had one years ago, it’s frickin awesome not having to worry about birth control.


This is why we want to proceed. No more chemical alterations, on birth control her moods are less than stellar and it messes with her cycle. Small price to pay for a little snip snip. Plus, Neither one of us like condoms.

i disagree completely with birth control pills due to their course of action. most don’t prevent fertilization of the egg, they work by preventing the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. so if you believe life starts at conception, birth control pills are murdering a baby every time you have sex. it’s just a very fast abortion.


just make sure to save some specialness incase you do want more kids later down the road.

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Honestly, I’m old enough to know I don’t want any more, I’d rather enjoy the kids I have than worry about bringing more into this world. I was young and stupid when I had my first two, and it made me grow up in a hurry.

I had one and it hurts bad the first day then the pain goes away quickly. I took 1 painkiller a few hours after surgery and only cannabis the following days. My knee surgery was way worse.

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I had one 25 years ago… no big deal… sore for a couple days… the best way to deal with it imho.

My girl wants me to get one too… Scared sh**less to say the least, i have never been to the hospital in my life, never broke a bone, never had an epidemic or grave disease that required hospitalization. Been to hospitals, yeah, visiting people. Freaks me out terribly. I dunno that i can do it. But it´s an ambulatory procedure that takes about 30 minutes IF that, and you´re backto work the next day or so…

Easy, inexpensive, specially if you travel to Costa Rica. I have been trying to implement a Medical Tourism business model, and would love to help anyone with a problem that requires surgery, specially orthodontic or orthopaedics.

I will be putting up a website and will let you know about it. Obviously we would have to go thru your insurance company, but we´ll talk to them and close the deal. You guys might even get a cash bonus when you come back from the surgery/vacation. They will be happy you did it, and saved them so much money, you might get a piece of the cake.



A man that knows for sure he does not want kids ( or any more )… A great idea!.. I have known women that have lied to boyfriends that they were on birth control …The fallout is very unfortunate.


Kids pay a high price for their parents’ mistakes…

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That’s how I ended up with my first two… Lol.


Did you have twins or did you get played twice lol?


Story goes:

First time was played. Said she was on the pill, I never even questioned it. (very fresh into the relationship if you could call it a relationship)
Second time I’m the one who took her to get the “Shot” (Depo) and it just didn’t work. So second time wasn’t exactly a lie, just have strong swimmers or something I guess haha.

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I remember a weight loss medication that caused the pill to not work. There was a lot of babies made in that 2 year time span.