What's your organic soil recipe?

So correct me if I’m wrong…but if your having to top dress then that’s not a “water only” soil… Am I wrong? I gotta say that’s false advertising bud… A water only is just that, build a strong mix from the beginning and run it start to finish with no feedings of any sort, just water. Since promix lacks any real nutrition that ain’t possible without heavily amending. U may as well bought a bale of peat and threw a lil perlite in it since ur already adding lime anyways

Gaia green is a great product and just another “meal” package of the essentials much like Dr earth and down to earth and fully support the use of it

Promix on the other hand…

Let’s analyze the ingredients
Peat, peat, and more peat, lil bit of perlite, some sort of polymer gel, a slow release fertilizer(those two sound promising :thinking::roll_eyes:), a bunch of lime to get that pH to swing up from 5 that peat is and some mycorrhizae innoculant(which doesn’t mean active culture thriving)

I don’t know why so many choose this stuff for an “organic” grow especially when anything in slow release is synthetics then ur having to dump a bunch of Epsom salts to make up for what the soil mix lacks then let’s throw a shit ton of lime at it to raise the pH to an acceptable level

The biggest problem I see is that pro mix hardly has any actual nutrition for majority of the mix. There’s no nutrition in peat, just water retention properties with something the roots can grow through and hold onto but ur strictly reliant on the amendments ur throwing at it vs building an active living soil, adding worm castings is helping to give the plants to feed on and helping with microbe cultures for sure but biggest problem is a good soil mix needs to be around half compost. That’s the meat and potatoes ur microbes are gonna feed on to feed ur plants.

You may have had success with it but I promise u there’s way better mixes u can make on your own and not load down a soil with a shit ton of peat.

I have switched to coir in my soil builds and gone peat free. Coir is neutral at 7, so I don’t have to load down a bunch of lime to swing to optimal range, add some compost and that’s the acidity that’s needed for ideal, and of course some perlite grow aeration and drainage(some lava rock too)

I’ve had entire grows start to finish I haven’t had to feed because working the mix and adding teas over the years have it plenty charged with plenty of “food” for my microbes to continuously feed on. Last Fem auto breeding run of 55 plants in that room was truely water only, I didn’t feed those plants once, just watered once or twice a week for the 3 months till harvest. The chocolate d run I fed em in veg to increase vigor but now they are in flower I ain’t gonna do shit for the rest of the run, should do fine

Maybe after some great Convos and some learning a better mix u will come over to my dark side and build urself a true living soil that only gets better over the years…till then check out this thread to hopefully put u in a better direction for better quality smoke.

@Rhai88 I’ve been preaching this soil mix for years with many trying it with great success and even won the overgrow awards for 2022 for top posting. If u never actually tried to make the build then I gotta say I’m a lil disappointed in ya, couldnt get anymore straight forward and simple of a recipe with 4 or 5 ingredients and been published on here for not much longer than u been hanging around. Compost,perlite, coir, and some Dr earth. All of which are available local to us. Just helped a buddy make 60 gallons the other day and out the door cost was 49 for everything. 1 cu ft = 6.4 gallons, typical bale of promix = 2 cu ft/ 12.8 gallon. So for 49 bucks it was 4 gallons shy of 5 bales of promix worth without the peat and plenty of compost and nutrition. A way better mix & save some $$$ that’s a win freaking win